Choices: Stories You Play Wiki
Choices: Stories You Play Wiki

Iola, a character in the Bloodbound series, was Rheya's daughter and the First Bloodkeeper. She makes her first appearance in a premium scene of Book 3, Chapter 6, and her first official appearance in Chapter 13.


As a child, Iola has long brown hair, tanned skin and brown eyes, and wears a blue dress. As an adult, she has long curly brown hair, and wears a golden dress underneath a red shawl.


Not much is known about Iola's personality. She seems to be kind and supportive as a child, and very protective of her family as an adult.



Book 3

  • Chapter 6: The Legend (Determinant)
  • Chapter 12: The Nemesis (Mentioned)
  • Chapter 13: The Ally
  • Chapter 14: The Revelation (Mentioned)
  • Chapter 16: The Beginning


Rheya Apostolous

In Book 3, Chapter 6's premium scene, Rheya tells you that she loved Iola more than life itself, so much so that it was like a flame in her chest. Iola wasn't afraid of Rheya's new vampire nature. However, Rheya adamantly refused to Turn her, despite her daughter's desires. After an attack on her old village and home by the Sons of Ares, Rheya believed Iola was burned to death and that belief changed Rheya. In Chapter 14, you discover that Iola actually survived and the Sons of Ares took her. They wanted to see if they could learn more about Rheya through her, but when they discovered they couldn't, they raised Iola into adulthood. She lived through her natural life and bore a daughter, thus starting the Bloodkeeper bloodline. In Chapter 16, you pull Rheya into past memories and reveal to her that it was Rheya herself who killed Iola in a bloodlust attack on a seaside town, but Rheya didn't know that at that time.


Iola is Demetrius's daughter. They have a loving relationship, and they were always together and close to Rheya, until he was killed by the Sons of Ares.


Ajax is Iola's husband. In Chapter 16, when you show Rheya what had happened in the past, Rheya sees Iola trying to escape the attack on the city with her daughter and husband. Although Ajax and Minerva made it safely onto a merchant's ship, Iola wasn't as lucky.


Minerva is Iola's daughter. In Chapter 16, when you show Rheya what had happened in the past, Rheya sees Iola trying to escape the attack on the city with her daughter and husband. Although Ajax and Minerva made it safely onto a merchant's ship, Iola wasn't as lucky.

Your Character

Due to being human and not being Turned by her mother, Iola became the First Bloodkeeper. In essence, she had Rheya's human blood flowing through her veins and through that connection, she had access to Rheya's memories. Through her and then through her daughter and her daughter's future children, the Bloodkeeper bloodline began and ended with your mother and you.

