If you haven't read the most recent chapter and are looking for a walkthrough, be aware that the page is full of spoilers. |
This page contains the choices in Immortal Desires: Paths Not Taken and their outcomes.
This game revolves around the choices you make. They can improve or decrease relationships with the characters. This walkthrough is made to assist others in helping them make the right choice for their game. Good luck and happy playing!
Choices that have no outcome on the side have not been explored yet, please help this page by contributing those answers!
Setup Choices
Choice 1 (Book 1 Completed)
- Import now! (Go to Choice 2)
- Play without importing. (Go to Choices 3-13)
Choice 1 (Book 1 Not Completed)
- Keep playing. (Go to Choices 3-13)
- Go to Immortal Desires 1. (Takes you out of the book and opens the menu for Book 1)
Choice 2 (Imported)
- That's me!
- No. I want to change my look. (Go to Choices 3-9)
Note: You cannot change Gabe's or Cas's look if you imported.
Choice 3
- She/her.
- He/him.
- They/them.
Choice 4
- Body Type 1
- Body Type 2
Choice 5
- Face 1
- Face 2
- Face 3
- Face 4
Choice 6 (Body Type 1)
- Braid Game
- Cherry On Top
- Red Alert
- Swept Up
- Woke Up Like This
- Get Things Straight
- Top Knot
- Crimson Elegance
Choice 6 (Body Type 2)
- Buzzkill
- Get It Twisted
- On Loc
- Curl Up
- Gingersnap
- Woke Up Like This
- Swept Away
- Say It Louder
Choice 7
- Great! I love it!
- Let's try something else. (Go Back to Choice 2)
Choice 8
This is a fill-in-the-blank choice.
- What is your name?
Default is "Parker".
Choice 9
This is a fill-in-the-blank choice.
- What is your last name?
Default is "Reese".
Choice 10 (Not Imported) (Gabriel/Gabriela)
- A boy.
- A girl.
Choice 11 (Not Imported) (Gabriel/Gabriela)
- Face 1
- Face 2
- Show female/male options instead.
Choice 12 (Not Imported) (Cas)
- A girl.
- A boy.
Choice 13 (Not Imported) (Cas)
- Face 1
- Face 2
- Show male/female options instead.
Chapter One: Back to the Beginning Choices
Choice 1
Choice 2 (Cas)
"Course Change"
Choice 3 (Cas)
Choice 4 (Cas)
- Rock (No effect)
- Stick
Choice 5 (Cas)
"Course Change"
Choice 6 (Cas)
Choice 7 (Cas)
- Gabriel/Gabriela, back off.
- Cas, it's our day. (No effect)
- We're better than this.
Choice 8 (Cas)
Diamond Choice 1 (Cas)
- That can't be safe. (No effect)
- Bring it on!
Diamond Choice 2 (Cas)
- Take Cas's hand. (No effect)
- Climb up myself.
Diamond Choice 3 (Cas)
- Do you do this often? (No effect)
- Is this the best part of being a vampire?
Diamond Choice 4 (Cas)
- Kiss her/him hard. (❤ +Cas)
- Kiss her/him gently. (❤ +Cas)
"Hearts Soaring"
Choice 9 (Cas)
- You're making a big mistake. (No effect)
- My vampire girlfriend/boyfriend is gonna kick your asses.
"Course Change"
Choice 10 (Cas)
- Hit him/her with the weights. (No effect)
- Tie him/her up in the volleyball net.
Choice 11 (Cas)
- If you'd turn me already.
- We could avoid near-death in the future. (No effect)
If I could have a kiss. (❤ +Cas)
Choice 12 (Cas)
- Then stop me. (No effect)
- Then don't go.
"Course Change"
Choice 13 (Cas)
- Find Seth. (No effect)
- Make the Clements pay.
Choice 2 (Gabriel/Gabriela)
- They didn't have manners in Crimson Beech. (No effect)
Gabriel/Gabriela was right about you. (❤ +Gabriel/Gabriela)
"Course Change"
Choice 3 (Gabriel/Gabriela)
- I'm not looking for trouble. (No effect)
Now I can focus on getting to know you. (❤ +Gabriel/Gabriela)
Choice 4 (Gabriel/Gabriela)
Choice 5 (Gabriel/Gabriela)
"Course Change"
Choice 6 (Gabriel/Gabriela)
- Cas, don't be a sore loser.
- Gabriel/Gabriela, don't let her/him ruin our day. (No effect)
- We're better than this.
Choice 7 (Gabriel/Gabriela)
Diamond Choice 1 (Gabriel/Gabriela)
- How many years have you helped set this attraction up? (No effect)
- Got any insider knowledge for getting through this place?
Diamond Choice 2 (Gabriel/Gabriela)
- Right. (No effect) ⬅ Correct
- Left.
Diamond Choice 3 (Gabriel/Gabriela)
- Of course I trust you. (No effect)
- This surprise better be pretty damn special.
Diamond Choice 4 (Gabriel/Gabriela)
- Kiss him/her right away. (❤ +Gabriel/Gabriela)
- Make him/her work for it. (❤ +Gabriel/Gabriela)
"Lost in Love"
"Course Change"
Choice 8 (Gabriel/Gabriela)
- I'm your friend! (No effect)
- Get the hell away from me!
Choice 9 (Gabriel/Gabriela)
- Throw a football at their heads. (No effect)
- Trip them with a volleyball net.
Choice 10 (Gabriel/Gabriela)
- Blood? (No effect)
Choice 11 (Gabriel/Gabriela)
I could never hate you. (❤ +Gabriel/Gabriela)
- You put my life in danger. (No effect)
- This is going to take some getting used to.
Choice 12 (Gabriel/Gabriela)
- There's anywhere I'm safer than by your side? (No effect)
- I'm going to let you go without me?
Choice 13 (Gabriel/Gabriela)
- Won't let them frame the Clements. (No effect)
- Will find the truth.
"Course Change"
"Course Change"
Chapter Two: A Common Enemy Choices
"Night Vision" if you drank vampire blood in Book 1, Chapter 12.
Choice 1
- The leader be trying to kill the other vampire? (No effect)
- This be some kind of ritual? (No effect)
Choice 2
- Stop them from making more! (No effect)
- Get the hell out of here! (No effect)
Choice 3
- Gabriel/Gabriela! (No effect)
- Cas! (No effect)
- Both of you! (No effect)
You get the first option if you chose Cas in Chapter 1, the second if you chose Gabriel/Gabriela.
Choice 4
- I knew better than to trust a Clement! (No effect)
- I thought you were Gabriel/Gabriela's friend! (No effect)
- You don't have to do this! (No effect)
You get the first option if you chose Cas in Chapter 1, the second if you chose Gabriel/Gabriela.
Choice 5
- Hit her with a branch! (No effect)
- Keep her distracted! (No effect)
- Call to Cas for help! (No effect)
- Call to Gabriel/Gabriela for help! (No effect)
You get the third option if you chose Cas in Chapter 1, the fourth if you chose Gabriel/Gabriela.
Choice 6
- Get away while we can! (Impact Choice if you chose Cas in Chapter 1, Impact Choice if you chose Gabriel/Gabriela)
- Try to help Gabriel/Gabriela! (Impact Choice)
- Try to help Cas! (Impact Choice)
You get the second option if you chose Cas in Chapter 1, the third if you chose Gabriel/Gabriela.
Choice 7
- But the questions are going to have to wait. (No effect)
- I was just trying to keep you safe. (No effect)
"Course Change" if you helped Gabriel/Gabriela.
"Course Change" if you didn't help Gabriel/Gabriela.
"Course Change" if you helped Cas.
"Course Change" if you didn't help Cas.
Choice 8 (if you helped the other LI)
- Thank you for backing us up. (No effect)
- Is there some kind of catch here? (No effect)
Choice 8 (if you didn't help the other LI)
- I'm so sorry. (No effect)
- You would've done the same in my position. (No effect)
Choice 9
- Why would he turn against his own creations? (No effect)
- What does he hope to gain from all this? (No effect)
Choice 10
- The whole town will fall apart. (No effect)
- They will only serve to fuel our enemies. (No effect)
Choice 11
- I have to stay to help Cas and the Venandis. (No effect)
- I have to stay to help Gabriel/Gabriela and the Clements. (No effect)
- As much as I want to. (No effect)
You get the first option if you chose Cas in Chapter 1, the second if you chose Gabriel/Gabriela.
Choice 12
- Try to listen in. (No effect)
- Ask a Clement if they know what's going on. (No effect)
- Ask a Venandi if they know what's going on. (No effect)
You get the second option if you chose Cas in Chapter 1, the third if you chose Gabriel/Gabriela.
Choice 13
Won't leave Cas's side. (❤ +Cas)
Won't leave Gabriel/Gabriela's side. (❤ +Gabriel/Gabriela)
- Would be an asset. (No effect)
You get the first option if you chose Cas in Chapter 1, the second if you chose Gabriel/Gabriela.
Choice 14
- Thought we were supposed to be working together! (No effect)
- Knew you would betray us! (No effect)
Choice 15 (Cas)
- Wake Cas! (No effect)
- Stop Gabriel/Gabriela myself! (No effect)
Choice 15 (Gabriel/Gabriela)
- Wake Gabriel/Gabriela! (No effect)
- Stop Cas myself! (No effect)
Choice 16
- By any means necessary. (Impact Choice if you chose Cas in Chapter 1, Impact Choice if you chose Gabriel/Gabriela) (Path A if you helped the other LI)
- By making him/her see we're stronger together. (Impact Choice)
- By making her/him see we're stronger together. (Impact Choice)
You get the second option if you chose Cas in Chapter 1, the third if you chose Gabriel/Gabriela.
Choice 17 (Path A) (if you helped Gabriel/Gabriela)
- I'm sorry, Gabriel/Gabriela... (No effect)
Choice 17 (Path A) (if you helped the Cas)
- I'm sorry, Cas... (No effect)
"Course Change" if you helped Gabriel/Gabriela.
"Course Change" if you didn't help Gabriel/Gabriela.
"Course Change" if you helped Cas.
"Course Change" if you didn't help Cas.
"New Not-Quite-Normal" if the other LI didn't betray you. You become a vampire.
"Dawn of a New Day" if the other LI betrayed you. You remain human.
Choice 18 (Vampire)
- Every one of you! (No effect)
- But I understand why he did it. (No effect)
- But I understand why she did it. (No effect)
You get the second option for Lewyn (chose Cas), the third for Astoria (chose Gabriel/Gabriela).
"Course Change"
Choice 19 (Vampire) (Lewyn/Astoria Fate)
- Is too much of a threat to live. (Off With His Head for Lewyn, Off With Her Head for Astoria)
- Should be imprisoned. (Life Sentence for Lewyn, Life Sentence for Astoria)
- Should be given the chance to redeem himself. (Second Chances)
- Should be given the chance to redeem herself. (Second Chances)
You get the third option for Lewyn (chose Cas), the fourth for Astoria (chose Gabriel/Gabriela).
Choice 20 (Vampire) (Gabriel/Gabriela/Cas Fate) (Joined Forces)
- Saved all of Crimson Beech. (Course Change if you chose Cas in Chapter 1, Course Change if you chose Gabriel/Gabriela)
- Is a Venandi through and through. (Course Change if you chose Cas in Chapter 1, Course Change if you chose Gabriel/Gabriela)
- Knows how to perform under pressure. (Course Change if you chose Cas in Chapter 1, Course Change if you chose Gabriel/Gabriela)
"All's Well That Ends Well" if the other LI didn't betray you and you joined forces. The other LI will become the new coven leader.
Choice 20 (Vampire) (Gabriel/Gabriela/Cas Fate) (Didn't Join Forces)
- Imprisoned. (Course Change if you chose Cas in Chapter 1, Course Change if you chose Gabriel/Gabriela)
- Forgiven. (Course Change if you chose Cas in Chapter 1, Course Change if you chose Gabriel/Gabriela)
Choice 18 (Human)
- She just stayed home sick today. (No effect)
- You should try getting in touch. (No effect)
Choice 19 (Human)
- Starting to feel normal. (No effect)
- Weird, honestly. (No effect)
Choice 20 (Human) (Joined Forces)
- Not the leaders or the coven members! (Course Change)
- But we can trust Astoria! (Course Change)
- But we can trust Lewyn! (Course Change)
You get the second option for Astoria (chose Cas), the third for Lewyn (chose Gabriel/Gabriela).
Choice 20 (Human) (Didn't Join Forces)
- Put a stop to this turf war! (No effect)
- Leave this place. (No effect)
"Course Change"
Choice 21
- That's exactly what I need. (💎 18)
- I should head home. (Forever Starts Tomorrow for vampire MC with Cas, Forever Starts Tomorrow for vampire MC with Gabriel/Gabriela, Curfew Calling for human MC with Cas, Curfew Calling for human MC with Gabriel/Gabriela)
Diamond Choice 1 (Cas) (Vampire)
- But I don't know if it's good new. (No effect)
- And I can't wait to see what this life has to offer. (No effect)
- And I'm not sure how I feel. (No effect)
Diamond Choice 2 (Cas) (Vampire)
- Scramble up a rock wall! (No effect)
- Pole vault over a stream! (No effect)
Diamond Choice 3 (Cas) (Vampire) (Joined Forces)
- Gabriel/Gabriela will make a good coven leader? (No effect)
- The covens will be at peace now? (No effect)
Diamond Choice 3 (Cas) (Vampire) (Didn't Join Forces)
- We did the right thing turning Gabriel/Gabriela in? (No effect)
- The covens will ever get along? (No effect)
Diamond Choice 4 (Cas) (Vampire)
- Deepen the kiss. (No effect)
- Kiss her/his neck. (No effect)
Diamond Choice 5 (Cas) (Vampire)
- Love you. (No effect)
- Am really glad I chose you. (No effect)
"Peak Happiness" for vampire MC with Cas.
Diamond Choice 1 (Gabriel/Gabriela) (Vampire)
- One that I'm going to have to learn to live with. (No effect)
- But it's one I'm ready to embrace. (No effect)
- And I'm not sure how I feel. (No effect)
Diamond Choice 2 (Gabriel/Gabriela) (Vampire)
- Climb to the top of a tree! (No effect)
- Swing from branch to branch! (No effect)
Diamond Choice 3 (Gabriel/Gabriela) (Vampire) (Joined Forces)
- Cas will make a good coven leader? (No effect)
- The covens will be at peace now? (No effect)
Diamond Choice 3 (Gabriel/Gabriela) (Vampire) (Didn't Join Forces)
- We did the right thing turning Cas in? (No effect)
- The covens will ever get along? (No effect)
Diamond Choice 4 (Gabriel/Gabriela) (Vampire)
- Deepen the kiss. (No effect)
- Let your hands wander. (No effect)
Diamond Choice 5 (Gabriel/Gabriela) (Vampire)
- Love you. (No effect)
- Am really glad I chose you. (No effect)
"Brand New Day" for vampire MC with Gabriel/Gabriela.
Diamond Choice 1 (Cas) (Human)
- About the you and the Venandis. (No effect)
- About the humans of Crimson Beech. (No effect)
- But I have to hope it'll get better. (No effect)
Diamond Choice 2 (Cas) (Human)
- Why did you bring me here? (No effect)
- Was a crumbling hospital not available? (No effect)
Diamond Choice 3 (Cas) (Human)
- What's that for? (No effect)
Diamond Choice 4 (Cas) (Human) (Joined Forces)
- Astoria being in charge is going to work out? (No effect)
- Lewyn's going to seek revenge? (No effect)
Diamond Choice 4 (Cas) (Human) (Didn't Join Forces)
- Crimson Beech will ever recover? (No effect)
- The Clements and Venandis will settle their issues? (No effect)
Diamond Choice 5 (Cas) (Human)
- Perch on the railing. (No effect)
- Move things to the stairs. (No effect)
Diamond Choice 6 (Cas) (Human)
- Love you. (No effect)
- Am really glad I chose you. (No effect)
"Breaking New Ground" for human MC with Cas.
Diamond Choice 1 (Gabriel/Gabriela) (Human)
- About the you and the Clements. (No effect)
- About the humans of Crimson Beech. (No effect)
- But I have to hope it'll get better. (No effect)
Diamond Choice 2 (Gabriel/Gabriela) (Human)
- Why did you bring me back here? (No effect)
- This is way less fun than the last time you brought me here. (No effect)
Diamond Choice 3 (Gabriel/Gabriela) (Human)
- It's beautiful. (No effect)
Diamond Choice 4 (Gabriel/Gabriela) (Human) (Joined Forces)
- Lewyn being in charge is going to work out? (No effect)
- Astoria's going to seek revenge? (No effect)
Diamond Choice 4 (Gabriel/Gabriela) (Human) (Didn't Join Forces)
- Crimson Beech will ever recover? (No effect)
- The Clements and Venandis will settle their issues? (No effect)
Diamond Choice 5 (Gabriel/Gabriela) (Human)
- Push Gabriel/Gabriela against the booth. (No effect)
- Hop up onto the booth. (No effect)
Diamond Choice 6 (Gabriel/Gabriela) (Human)
- Love you. (No effect)
- Am really glad I chose you. (No effect)
"Blossoming Hope"
You have reached the end of Immortal Desires: Paths Not Taken.