Choices: Stories You Play Wiki
Choices: Stories You Play Wiki

Hugo, a character in the Wolf Bride book, is a SEP employee and part-time forest ranger. He is first seen in Chapter 1.


Hugo has brown eyes, short brown hair in a buzz cut and tan skin. He has a full beard and a tattoo sleeve down his right arm. He wears an olive green shirt, pants, and a hunting vest.


Unlike Sergei, Hugo shows a more humane and caring side, and values human life. If you persuade him to help you, you discover that he cares about the environment and about Werewolf Hunter. He's also very just, as he believes in doing the right thing despite his hatred for werewolves.


When Hugo was six years old, he was attacked by werewolves. He believes that he was very lucky to survive it, which is something that can't be said for everyone.


Wolf Bride

Wolf Bride

  • Chapter 1: Hunt's Peak
  • Chapter 4: Challenger
  • Chapter 5: The Duel
  • Chapter 6: Full Moon Rising
  • Chapter 7: Rage
  • Chapter 8: Foundling
  • Chapter 9: Powder Keg
  • Chapter 12: The Tipping Point
  • Chapter 15: The True Enemy (Determinant)
  • Chapter 16: Purified (Determinant)


Werewolf Hunter

He alongside Sergei are co-workers of Werewolf Hunter while she was working for Sayre Energy and Power, and the forestry department around Hunt's Peak. Hunter believes Hugo has been the only friend she has ever had. He stood by her during all her years, helped her build her cabin and helped her become her own person. If you have her convince him to side with her instead of Sayre, she tells him that everything they loved about nature and the woods would be gone if Sayre had his way. You don't believe he is a Knight or SEP employee for the money.

Bernard Sayre

Bernard Sayre is his boss. In Chapter 12, you can convince him to turn against Sayre and side with the pack.


He and Sergei are co-workers. While Sergei doesn't appear emotionally invested in Hunter's well-being, Hugo is conflicted. If you and Hunter persuade Hugo to become your ally, Hugo appears to shoot Sergei in the wrist to prevent him from killing you. He tells Sergei that they don't kill humans.

Your Character

In Chapter 8, he shows you a scar that runs from his calf to his thigh that he received during a werewolf attack when he was six years old. In Chapter 9, during the battle between the Knights and the Pack at Hunter's home, you can either help him or fight him. If you help him, you fight together against the Pack. If not, Hugo tries to restrain you, and if you have Wolf Strength, you can push him away.


Other Looks

