Choices: Stories You Play Wiki
Choices: Stories You Play Wiki
Choices: Stories You Play Wiki

Dr. Halani Hale, a character in the Shipwrecked book, is the leader of a scientific project on Moku Island and the main antagonist. She is first seen in Chapter 11.


Hale is a middle-aged woman with tanned skin, brown hair plaited into a long ponytail, and small brown eyes.


Hale is an unconventional genius, but also a cruel and inhumane woman, who tortures and kills animals in her experiments. She also appears to have no moral issues injecting humans with these viruses, volunteering you and Captain for her experiments. In general, she respects you because you are a fellow scientist. However, she looks down upon Captain for his/her lack of scientific intellect and appears to simply tolerate Tak, who she doesn't feel is her equal.


Dr. Hale has worked in her field for over two decades with barely anything to show for it. All of her grant proposals were denied for the reason that she proposed taking more risks for the sake of progress. She believes the scientific community was being hypocritical, since every technological advancement in the past was stained with blood.

An unknown number of years ago, she decided that she wasn't going to waste any more time playing by rules and decided to take matters into her own hands. She came to Moku Island, believing it would be a place that no one would care about, to conduct experiments into tropical diseases. At first glance, this appears to be innocent, cataloguing diseases and animals. However, in the restricted section of her laboratory, it is discovered she is actually torturing and killing the animals on the island, injecting them with diseases such as malaria. She reasons that all life on the island is doomed to die when Mount Moku erupts, thus she is only experimenting on animals that will die eventually. She later aerosolizes the viruses to spread them across the entire island.

She believes the ends justify the means, and that once her research comes to fruition, others in the scientific community will see her value. She is close to perfecting vaccines to prevent West Nile virus and drug-resistant malaria.




  • Chapter 11: The Scientist
  • Chapter 12: Hostages
  • Chapter 13: Dark Side of Paradise
  • Chapter 14: Dangerous Heights (Mentioned)
  • Chapter 15: Hot Water
  • Chapter 16: Mount Moku


Tak Yakone[]

Tak and his/her crew of smugglers have a deal with Halani. They protect her and her research from intruders while she provides them rare animals and plants from Moku to sell on the black market.

The Captain[]

When they first meet, Captain immediately doesn't trust her and feels insulted by her subtle digs at Captain's intelligence.

Your Character[]

When you and Captain find her laboratory hidden in the rainforest, she is the first to notice your arrival. At first, she appears pleasant but lies about having a boat to leave the island when you explain your situation. Soon, you discover all the inhumane experiments that Halani and her researchers are performing, but you cannot convince her to stop or to realize the extent of the pollution she has caused. In the end, she blames you for everything going wrong, including the premature eruption of Moku's volcano. When her foot gets caught in a trap she placed to capture animals, you have the choice to free her from the trap or allow her to die in the lava stream. Regardless of your choice, she perishes as she is swallowed by the lava flow.


Other Looks[]



  • Her crimes include animal cruelty, torture, attempted human experimentation, hostage-taking and environmental pollution.
  • She shares the same surname as Kieran Hale from High School Story, Book 3.
  • She can be considered the evil counterpart of Your Character given that they are both scientists, as well as the fact that you are the main protagonist while she is the main antagonist.