Choices: Stories You Play Wiki
Choices: Stories You Play Wiki

It's okay to have high expectations for yourself, but don't let your perceived 'failures' define you.
— Guardian to MC[1]

Guardian, a character in Kindred book, is your family's guardian, and one of your love interests. He/She is first seen in Chapter 1.

Although his/her default name is "Rainier", the player can choose to name him/her as they wish.


Guardian's appearance is customizable according to the player's preferences. Both genders wear a white coat. The male versions wear a tan shirt, one necklace, black jeans, a black belt, and something hanging from the belt. The female versions wear a tan turtleneck sweater, two necklaces, and a black skirt. The guardian uniforms are identical except for the males wearing a white tie and the females wearing two golden necklaces.


Guardian is polite, and wants to be seen as dependable and trustworthy. Compared to Enoch, another guardian he/she trained with, he/she is more formal and strict, usually wearing his/her guardian uniform when Enoch dresses more casually in a normal suit. When Guardian greets Enoch with a hug, Maggie states she didn't peg Guardian as the hugging type. Enoch mentions that Guardian obsessed over the lesson plan for your coven during his/her training. While working with your coven, Guardian apparently learned to be a little more flexible which surprises Enoch by making it known via "'Flexibility'? You? I never thought I'd see the day!". Enoch later describes Guardian as a closed book and states that he/she doesn't ask for help or comfort very often which doesn't mean he/she doesn't need it.


Guardian is a being of light who was created to protect your coven, and he/she's centuries old. Beings like him/her are traditional and have to follow very strict rules when dealing with their covens, and they are not allowed to fraternize or get too attached to them. It is considered taboo, and above their station. Guardian doesn't know much about human pop-culture, and he/she says that he/she has studied the basics, but still has a lot to learn. His/her best friend and her coven died prior to the events of the story.




  • Chapter 1: Circle of Sisters
  • Chapter 2: Secrets and Spellcraft
  • Chapter 3: Magical Mishaps
  • Chapter 4: Wide, Witchy World
  • Chapter 5: Friend or Fiend
  • Chapter 6: Runaway Reflections
  • Chapter 7: A Date with Desire (Mentioned)
  • Chapter 8: Lost In the Labyrinth
  • Chapter 9: Birthday Bedlam
  • Chapter 10: Rites and Revelations
  • Chapter 11: Dreams of Darkness
  • Chapter 12: The Summer Solstice
  • Chapter 13: Betrayal and Bedlam
  • Chapter 14: Rescue from Ruin (Mentioned)
  • Chapter 15: Fight And Flight (Mentioned)
  • Chapter 16: King Versus Kin


Your Character

Guardian is a regular at the coffee shop you're working at and one of your love interests. When you, Maggie and Saff are attacked by a wraith in your childhood home, he/she appears and banishes the creature, and tells you that you are powerful witches and that now that your powers have awaken, many more wraiths will follow. He/She then reveals that he/she's a guardian assigned to your coven, and promises to teach you and your sisters how to control your powers. You can flirt with him/her from the beginning but Guardian will not act on his/her feelings that your sisters note to be obvious. Guardian tells you he/she had to convince his/her superiors that he/she could keep tabs on you even before you discovered your powers. You learn about the death of his/her best friend Bronwyn early one but initially decide to keep that knowledge to yourself but in Chapter 8, you tell him/her that you know about her and can have Guardian open up to you about her in a premium scene. At the end of Chapter 8, you can kiss him/her for the first time and he/she will then kiss you back - but then he/she will draw back, apologize, and leave.


In Chapter 4, you meet Enoch, a friend and a guardian that he/she trained with. Enoch tells you that he's not actually his/her best friend as that title belonged to Bronwyn. Enoch states that Guardian and Bronwyn were as close as siblings. Bronwyn and her coven were "utterly annihilated".

Powers and Abilities

  • Teleportation: Guardian can teleport from one location to another. Unlike wraiths, Guardian doesn't use shadows but light.
  • Creation and Removal of Wards via Runes: Guardian can create wards with the help of runes, as demonstrated in Chapter 2 when he/she places them around your house to protect you and your sisters from the wraiths and test the magical skills of the three of you. The wards keep wraiths outside but at the same time lock you and your sisters inside the house. In Chapter 5, he/she uses warding runes again to restrain Kaine during your interrogation.
  • Healing: After you are wounded by a Wraith in Chapter 3, Guardian heals your wound.
  • Sword Fighting: He/She is very skilled in swordplay, especially with Guardian-crafted weapons like his/her gilded sword or the crystal dagger.


  • Fading: If a guardian doesn't have a coven to protect, he/she may end up fading away.

Character Customization

KN Guardian

Other Looks





  • The default name Rainier is of Old Norse, Old German and French origin and means "judgment warrior", "deciding warrior", "wise army" and "strong counselor". It's a variant of Ragnar (Old Norse), Rainer (Old German) and Rayner (French). It's a name used by both genders, but mostly by boys.
  • He/She being an angel-like guardian assigned to protect and guide your character, Saffron and Maggie is similar to Leo Wyatt and Harry Greenwood from the WB television show Charmed and it's CW reboot respectively.
  • Guardians are predestined to serve specific covens but only reveal themselves and start working with them once the covens start actively practicing. As he/she puts it: if you and your sisters hadn't come together, he/she would still be twiddling his/her thumbs in Sanctum.


  1. Kindred, Chapter 1