This page contains all the abbreviations and acronyms used by Pixelberry and fans all across the Choices Fandom. If you are looking for a particular word, you can use the index below.
Contents: Top - A B C D E F G H I J K L M O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- AALN = Aventure avec la nounou (The Nanny Affair in French)
- AC = armor class (as used on Blades TTRPG Companion)
- ACA = A Corazón Abierto (Open Heart in Spanish)
- ACoR = A Courtesan of Rome (alternative: CoR, rare)
- Aco/Àco = À cœur ouvert (Open Heart in French)
- ACT = Along Comes Treble
- AMA = Ask Me Anything (eg. PB's Blades AMA)
- AME = America's Most Eligible
- AME:S10 = America's Most Eligible: Season 10 (alternative: S10 = Season 10, also known as AME1)
- AME:AS = America's Most Eligible: All Stars (alternative: AS = All Stars, also known as AME2)
- AME:WE = America's Most Eligible: Wedding Edition (alternative: WE = Wedding Edition, also known as AME3)
- AoE = area of effect (as used on Blades TTRPG Companion)
- AoU = All of Us
- ATFR = A Taste for Royalty (canceled series)
- ATV = Across The Void
- AU = Alternative Universe, used to describe that something happens/happened in an alternative timeline.
- BaBu/Baby = Baby Bump
- Bb = Bloodbound (or Blutsbande in German)
- Bb:DS = Bloodbound: Dark Solstice (not to be confused with DS = Distant Shores)
- BbO/BO/BbOrigins = Bloodbound Origins
- BB = Bad Boy (rare) (when used in conjunction with BF, CC, MTFL) / Blood Bag (ID2)
- BC = Beautiful Contestant (rare)
- BF = Best Friend (rare)
- Bk = Book
- BL = boys love (rare; alternative: mlm)
- BLS/Blades/BoL&S/BoLaS = Blades of Light and Shadow (as of the recent Blades AMA, PB has opted to use 'Blades' over 'BoLaS' due to its possible connotations)
- BP = Bachelorette Party
- BSC = Big Sky Country
- BT = Body type (when naming files; this term is notably used on newer books to refer to "masculine" and "feminine" types)
- BTS = Behind the scenes
- CC = Childhood Crush (rare)
- Ch = Chapter (not to be confused with TCH, which can also be shortened to 'CH')
- Cha = charisma (as used on Blades TTRPG Companion)
- Chris = The Freshman: Luxury Getaway
- Cm = Corazón maldito/Cœur maudit (The Cursed Heart in Spanish/French)
- CoD = Cause of Death, the name of a previous app, written by former EA writers now working as PB employees
- Con = constitution (as used on Blades TTRPG Companion)
- CoP/Crimes = Crimes of Passion
- CSYP = Choices: Stories You Play (rarely nowadays; currently it is commonly shortened to just 'Choices' for brevity)
- CTR/CdTR = Chroniques de Tapis Rouge (Red Carpet Diaries in French)
- DC = dungeon class (as used on Blades TTRPG Companion)
- DD/D&D/DnD/DesDec = Desire & Decorum (or, Choices-unrelated, Dungeons and Dragons)
- DD:FW/D&D:FW/DnD:FW = Desire & Decorum: First Winter (alternative: FW = First Winter)
- DdH/DH = Diarios de Hollywood (Red Carpet Diaries in Spanish)
- DeD = Désir et Décorum (Desire & Decorum in French; alternative: DD)
- Dex = dexterity (as used on Blades TTRPG Companion)
- df/dm = diamond farm/diamond mine (rare, used by some players)
- dia(s) = diamond(s) (rare, used in some instances by players)
- DkR = Die königliche Romanze (The Royal Romance in German)
- DLS = Dirty Little Secrets
- DNA = Die Nanny-Affäre (The Nanny Affair in German)
- DS = Distant Shores
- DtR = Define the relationship (; it's usually used in reference to when you are casually seeing someone or dating them with little to no strings attached. It's essentially the point in a relationship when you inevitably ask or get asked 'what are we'.
- Dual-lead = a story that switches between two protagonists
- DvH = Das verfluchte Herz (The Cursed Heart in German)
- DyD = Deseo y Decoro (Desire & Decorum in Spanish; alternative: DD)
- EA = VIP Early Access (not to be confused with VIP Exclusive, which is commonly used for books like The Dalton Affair and Bloodbound Origins)
- EC = Entre Costuras (Hot Couture in Spanish)
- enby = non-binary (alternatively used to prevent confusion with Nightbound; also see NB)
- ERR = El Romance Real (The Royal Romance in Spanish)
- ES = Endless Summer
- FA = Foreign Affairs
- FC = Fake-cation (PB's Storyloom book)
- FCL = First Comes Love
- Fl = Fiancée-louve (Wolf Bride in Spanish)
- fomo = fear of missing out (used in First Comes Love)
- FR = Filthy Rich
- GG = Getaway Girls
- GL = genderlocked, a story that doesn't let you choose the gender for Your Character (this is rarely used for 'girls love', which uses wlw instead.)
- GM = game master (as used on Blades TTRPG Companion; alternatively called DM: Dungeon Master, not to be confused with 'diamond mine')
- GT = Graveyard Tales (2017 Beta Chat Book)
- GoC = Gender of Choice. It is a story that lets you choose the gender for Your Character.
- Grd/Gd/Guard = Guarded
- Gui/Gn/Gv = Guinevere (when naming files)
- HB = Heart's Blood (PB's Storyloom book)
- HC = Hot Couture
- HeF = Hasta El Fin: Romance Prohibido (Ride-or-Die in Spanish)
- HftH = Home for the Holidays
- HH = Hott House (PB's Storyloom book)
- HoF = Hearts on Fire
- HP = health points (as used on Blades TTRPG Companion)
- HS/HSA = Hot Shot Anthology
- HS = Holiday Special (rare: Handsome Stranger)
- HSS = High School Story (can also be used to refer to the original app now referred to as 'HSS Prime' by Pixelberry)
- HSS:CA = High School Story: Class Act (alternative: CA = Class Act)
- HSS Prime = the original 'High School Story' app, now defunct
- HtD/H2D = Hope to Die (PB's Storyloom book)
- HWU = Hollywood U, another defunct app by Pixelberry
- Id = Indomptable (Untameable in French)
- ID/ImD/ImDes = Immortal Desires
- iff = if and only if (mathematical expression)
- IL/ILA = It Lives Anthology
- ILitW = It Lives In The Woods
- ILB = It Lives Beneath
- Int = intelligence (as used on Blades TTRPG Companion)
- Init mod = initial modifier (as used on Blades TTRPG Companion)
- James = The Freshman: Masquerade Ball
- Kaitlyn = The Freshman: The Perfect Date
- KaT/K&T = Kiss and Tell (2017 Beta Chat Book)
- KoD/KD = Kiss of Death
- KK = Knock Knock (2017 Beta Chat Book) (or an abbrevation for 'okay okay')
- Kin/Kn/Kd/Kdr/Ki = Kindred
- LAN/LAdlN = La Aventura de la Niñera (The Nanny Affair in Spanish)
- LH = LoveHacks
- LI = Love Interest (commonly used; alternatively RO = Romantic option - rare)
- LplS = Liés par le Sang (Bloodbound in French)
- LoA/Laws = Laws of Attraction
- LR = Light Realm (used by some fans; a place in Blades of Light and Shadow series)
- LS = Love Stories (2017 Beta Chat Book)
- LTT = Love Takes Time (2017 Beta Chat Book)
- MaH/MH/MaHc = Murder at Homecoming
- Max HP = maximum health points (as used on Blades TTRPG Companion)
- MC = Main Character/Your Character (please be aware that some players confuse the term and incorrectly use it to refer to love interests on other pages. MC only refers to the protagonist)
- MD = Mommy Dearest (2017 Beta Chat Book)
- mlm = men loving men (alternative: BL)
- MM/MsM = Ms. Match
- MoC = Men of Color
- MotY = Mother of the Year
- MPoV = Multiple Points of View
- MTD = Make That Date!
- MTFL/M2FL = My Two First Loves
- MW = Most Wanted
- Nb = Nightbound
- NB = non-binary (alternatively; some players use 'enby' to avoid confusion with Nightbound)
- Nf = Naufragés (Shipwrecked in French)
- NBD = No Big Deal (abbreviation used in Wolf Bride and Red Carpet Diaries chapter)
- NL = Novia Loba (Wolf Bride in Spanish)
- OH/OpH = Open Heart (or OH/OfH: Offenes Herz in German)
- OH/OpH:SY = Open Heart: Second Year (alternatively known as OH 2)
- OH/OpH:TY = Open Heart: Third Year (alternatively known as OH 3)
- OHoF = Open Hearts on Fire
- OMM = One Minute Mysteries (PB's Storyloom book)
- ooc = out of character. Is used by players to state that the current behavior of a character doesn't fit their usual personality.
- Pb = Pixelberry (In their now-defunct official Discord server, it can also be used as a term for server members as 'Pixelberries'.)
- PeS = Pasión en Sangre (Bloodbound in Spanish)
- PDA = Public Display of Affection
- PO/P1 = Plus One (alternative: +1)
- PoC = Person of Color
- PoV = Point of View
- Pt = Platinum (when naming files)
- PtR/P2R = Passport to Romance
- Prof bonus = Proficiency bonus (as used on Blades TTRPG Companion)
- PSA = Public Service Announcement
- QB = Queen B
- R101 = Royalty 101 (PB's Storyloom book)
- RCD = Red Carpet Diaries (or Storyloom/Robots Can't Date, PB's Storyloom book)
- resemblance/to resemble - one character looks either identical or similar to another character
- RoD/RoD:ABBR = Ride-or-Die: A Bad Boy Romance (commonly shortened to 'Ride-or-Die')
- RoE/Rules = Rules of Engagement
- RR = Romance Royale (The Royal Romance in French)
- RT = Rising Tides
- RWB/RWBA = Roommates With Benefits Anthology (RWB was formerly used to refer to Roommates With Benefits, but is now used for the anthology as a whole)
- Roommates/Room/Rm/RoomWB/RmWB/RoWB = Roommates With Benefits (sometimes used for Book 1; alternately RWB1)
- Rivals/Riv/Rv/RivWB/RvWB/RiWB = Rivals With Benefits (sometimes used for book 2; alternatively RWB2)
- Sb = Schiffbruch (Shipwrecked in German)
- SB = Slow Burn
- SC = Star Crossed (PB's Storyloom book)
- SD = Save the Date (another abbreviation used on other pages is StD but we decided against it due to its more common meaning, 'sexually transmitted disease')
- SF = Summer Fling (PB's Storyloom book)
- Ship/SoD = Ship of Dreams
- SHS = Surviving High School, a previous app made by PB employees when still working for EA
- Sk = Sunkissed
- SL = Storyloom (alternative: SL:SW, was formally referred to as 'Storyloom: Shared Worlds')
- SoL = Season of Love (Storyloom's Shared World series)
- Spell mod = spell modifier (as used on Blades TTRPG Companion)
- SS/SuS/S&S = Sehnsucht & Sittsamkeit (Desire & Decorum in German)
- Str = strength (as used on Blades TTRPG Companion)
- Sur/Sr = Surrender (when naming files; Sr not to be confused with The Senior)
- SR = Shadow Realm (used by some fans, not to be confused with Surrender/The Senior; a place in Blades of Light and Shadow series)
- SW = Still Waters (PB's Storyloom book)
- Sw = Shipwrecked
- [sic] - Latin adverb usually used in brackets within quotes to indicate that the original source that is being quoted contains an error, for example a typo. For more information click here to read the Wikipedia article.
- TBA = to be announced/added
- TBB = The Billionaire's Baby (alternative: Billionaire's/BiBa/Bill/BB; not to be confused with Bb, Bloodbound)
- TBD = to be determined/decided
- TCH = The Cursed Heart (alternative: CH, not to be confused with Chapter: Ch)
- TCTF/TC&TF/TCaTF = The Crown & The Flame
- TDA = The Duchess Affair (sometimes used by fans to refer to The Dalton Affair, see TDlA; alternative: DA)
- TDG = The Deadliest Game (sometimes used by fans to refer to The Deadliest Gambit, the VIP-exclusive special)
- TDGm/TDGb = The Deadliest Gambit (VIP-exclusive special; not to be confused with The Deadliest Game)
- TE = The Elementalists
- TE:WP = The Elementalists: Winters Past (alternative: WP = Winters Past)
- TF = The Freshman/Terror Fest
- TeFe/TeF/TFe/TFest/TerFest/Ter/Terror = Terror Fest (alternative: TF, not to be confused with The Freshman)
- TF:GoL = The Freshman: Game of Love (alternative: GoL = Game of Love)
- TF:SI = The Freshman: Snowed In (alternative: SI = Snowed In)
- TFHSS/Texts = Texts From HSS (2017 Beta Chat Book; set between HSS1 and HSS2)
- TFS = The Freshman (alternative: TF, not to be confused with Terror Fest)
- TG = The Groom (PB's Storyloom book)
- TGoU/TGU = The Ghost of Us
- TH:M = The Heist: Monaco
- TDlA = The Dalton Affair (alternative: Dalton; VIP exclusive, spin-off TNA character special; not to be confused with TDA)
- THoBM = The Haunting of Braidwood Manor (alternative: HoBM as seen from the new UI)
- TMAT = Tell Me A Tale (PB's Storyloom book)
- TNA = The Nanny Affair (alternative: NA, which is used to avoid the real-life acronym of TNA)
- TS/TSo/TSop = The Sophomore
- TSr/TSe/TSen = The Senior
- TJr/TJ/TJu/TJun = The Junior
- TPA = The Phantom Agent (alternative: PA)
- TPS = The Princess Swap (alternative: PS)
- TRR = The Royal Romance (alternative: RR, also used in French)
- TRH = The Royal Heir (alternative: RH)
- TRHo = The Royal Holiday (alternative: RHo/Holiday, not to be confused with HftH)
- TRF/TRFin = The Royal Finale (alternative: RF/RFin)
- TRM = The Royal Masquerade (alternative: RM)
- TRT/TvRT = Tagebuch vom Roten Teppich (Red Carpet Diaries in German)
- TSh = The Shadow (2017 Beta Chat Book)
- TTRPG = tabletop RPG (also used to refer to Blades TTRPG Companion)
- TUH = The Unexpected Heiress (alternative: UH)
- UA/UtA = Untameable Anthology (alternative: Ut)
- Ub/UAUS/UAUtS = Unbridled: An Untameable Story (alternatively known as Untameable 2: Ut 2)
- Ut = Untameable (or Untamed, PB's Storyloom book)
- Uz = Unzähmbar (Untameable in German)
- VoS = Veil of Secrets
- VV = Villainous Valentine
- WB = Wolf Bride (or Wolfsbraut in German)
- WEH = With Every Heartbeat
- Wis = wisdom (as used on Blades TTRPG Companion)
- Wit/WABR/WBR/Wt = Witness: A Bodyguard Romance (commonly shortened to 'Witness'; Wt not to be confused with Wishful Thinking, WT)
- wlw = women loving women (alternative: GL meaning 'girls love', but may be commonly mistaken for 'genderlocked')
- WoC = Women of Color
- WR = Wide Release (by PB, initially referred to as 'Official Release'; usually referred in the wiki as 'General Release')
- WT = Wishful Thinking
- WtD/WD = Wake the Dead
- ZD = Zombie Dispatch (2017 Beta Chat Book)