Choices: Stories You Play Wiki
Choices: Stories You Play Wiki

Genevieve Lawson, a character in the A Very Scandalous Proposal book, is the wife of Hugo Lawson, Simon/Ava Montjoy's third cousin. She is first seen in Chapter 4.


Genevieve has long brown hair, tanned skin and dark gray eyes.


Genevieve is generally a polite and friendly person. With her husband, she is subservient, wanting to please him and not anger him. With your character, it depends on how you choose to treat her.


Genevieve went to a finishing school.


A Very Scandalous Proposal

A Very Scandalous Proposal

  • Chapter 4: Everyone Who's Anyone
  • Chapter 8: The Royal Ascot
  • Chapter 9: The Charity Gala
  • Chapter 10: Treachery Afoot
  • Chapter 12: United Front (Mentioned)
  • Chapter 16: The Next Generation



Genevieve is Hugo's wife and mother of his children. They had met years ago at the Viscount and Viscountess Milgram's golden jubilee. Their parents had been trying to arrange their match since they were both young, thinking they would be perfect for each other and they were at first. They used to love sneaking off in one of his father's Alfa Romeos and cruise along the Thames at sunset. He used to whisk her off to places like Corsica for their first anniversary or Milan for no reason.

However, over the years, Hugo's disposition changed. She tried to tell him that it makes no difference who Simon/Ava marries, that he would still be able to claim Barrington as his but he doesn't believe her. At this point in their marriage, she feels that he doesn't want to be married to an actual person but wants a trophy wife, an accessory on his arm. She is not meant to actually want anything for herself. He is unaware that she attends night school, and she feels he would be livid and incensed about it, that he would see it as her betraying him.

Simon/Ava Montjoy

Simon/Ava is Hugo's third cousin and his obstacle to gaining the Barrington estate.

Your Character

When you first meet Genevieve in Chapter 4, she appears to be mousy and submissive to her more dominant husband. If you're polite and if you wear the premium dress, she compliments you and mentions Simon/Ava's mother wearing similar lovely gowns. Shortly after, you come across Hugo yelling at Genevieve in the library for her behavior and you have the option to comfort her when he leaves. If you do, she becomes an ally.

Before the Royal Ascot, she offers you a premium dress and hat to wear for the function. Purchasing it will help at the ascot but will not sway her to become your ally if you do not comfort her in Chapter 4 or if you do not follow her in Chapter 10.

If you decide to follow her in Chapter 10, you find out that she has been attending night school, taking classes in interior design three times a week. She also tells you another secret about Hugo, that he is basically computer illiterate. He once emailed a naughty photo to his entire office instead of just her, because he meant to type out 'Gen' but it autofilled to 'general office'. Your interest in her welfare and personal life makes you two become friends and you encourage her to stand up for herself.

At Simon/Ava's birthday gala, if she is your ally, you throw the secret(s) she told you in Hugo's face. When he starts to bark at her in retaliation, she stops him and tells him that she is tired of the way he has been treating her. As she finds her voice, he backs down. If she is not your ally, she continues to side with Hugo and instead turns her anger and irritation towards you. She tells you that it isn't his fault for trying to get his due.


Other Looks



