Choices: Stories You Play Wiki
Choices: Stories You Play Wiki
Choices: Stories You Play Wiki
Consider yourself vanquished, fiend!
— A Fydorian soldier to an Iron Empire soldier.

Fydoria soldiers are characters in "The Crown & The Flame" series. They are a group of nobles under the command of Tevan Drammir and/or Aurynn Amanth in Fydoria. Although they fight alongside with Kenna in Book 1, they made their official appearance in Book 3, Chapter 6.


Fydorian soldiers have fancy violet armor, which covers virtually their entire upper body, with gold trimmings and designs, plus mesh armor underneath. Their violet helmets have varying eye slit shapes and design, but nonetheless look more uniform compared to Stormholt and Nevrakis helmet designs. All five helmet variations share the distinct violet plume sprouting from the top. It is worth noting that unlike Stormholt and Nevrakis armor, theirs is immaculately polished and contains no cracks or blemishes.


Given that the soldiers are sons or daughters of nobles, they are rather proper and dignified, having a wide range of vocabulary and using polite and eloquent speech, even during fighting. Thus, they also expect courtesy in conversation in return, as one soldier expressed disgust at Val's unrefined dialogue. Their regal upbringing has made some to behave like arrogant spoiled brats, boasting about their nobility as a factor of superiority in combat.

Due to the sudden shift of lifestyle, the nobles are at first ignorant of military science, knowing only the basics that are taught in arranged duels; some have never even held a sword up until their training under Val Greaves. Aurynn even pointed out that Fydorians are not known for their battling prowess, a quality that King Luther scorned. However, the soldiers are quick learners who require only a bit of encouragement, as they fought like seasoned warriors during Azura's invasion despite having received proper training for only a few hours.

Known Member

  • Claudius Umad III

Armor Design


  • In The Crown & The Flame, Book 3, Chapter 13, Claudius will still be present with the other Fydorian soldiers should Val recruit them, even if she told him to get lost in Chapter 6.
  • In The Royal Masquerade, Chapter 5, the Regent mentions Claudius Umad IX. It's a possibility that he is the descendant of Claudius Umad III from The Crown & The Flame series.

