Ezekiel, a character in The Royal Romance series, is Kiara's older brother. He is first seen in Book 3, Chapter 7.
Ezekiel has brown eyes, black hair and fairly dark skin. He wears a brown striped shirt with a green polka dotted tie under a purple suit.
Hana mentions upon meeting Ezekiel that he seems so proper one moment but wears his affections openly, as is the case of his obvious soft spot for animals.
The Royal Romance
Book 3
- Chapter 7: Haute Culture
- Chapter 8: Artistic License (Credit Only)
- Chapter 9: Pomp and Circumstance
- Chapter 14: Welcome, One and All
- Chapter 16: What Happens in Vegas... (Mentioned)
- Chapter 18: Bride to Be (Mentioned; Determinant)
- Chapter 19: You Are Cordially Invited
- Chapter 20: A Warm Reception
- Chapter 22: Happily Ever After
The Royal Heir
Book 1
- Chapter 7: A Night on the Town (Mentioned; Determinant)
Book 2
- Chapter 4: The Royal Tour
- Chapter 18: The Beginning of the End
- Chapter 19: To Betroth, or Not To Betroth (Determinant)
Book 3
- Chapter 2: Making Waves
- Chapter 3: Forever Hold Your Peace
- Chapter 4: Seeds of Conflict (Mentioned)
- Chapter 9: The Barthelemy Beaumont Bash
- Chapter 12: The Deciding Vote
- Chapter 14: Upping the Ante
- Chapter 15: The Enemy of My Enemy (Mentioned)
- Chapter 16: Devil in the Details (Determinant)
- Chapter 17: The Crown Regent's Coronation
- Chapter 19: The Once and Future Princess
The Royal Finale
- Chapter 12: When Worlds Collide (Mentioned; Determinant)
- Chapter 15: To Wield the Sword (Mentioned)
- Chapter 17: Happier Ever After
Hakim & Joelle
Hakim and Joelle are Ezekiel's parents. They are the Duke and Duchess of Castelsarreillan.
Kiara Theron
Kiara is his younger sister, whom he affectionally calls "Kiki". She nicknames him "Zeke", in turn. In Book 3, Chapter 22, he removes himself from the line of succession to become a veterinarian, allowing Kiara to become Duchess of Castelsarreillan when the time comes.
Penelope Ebrim
He bonds with Penelope over their mutual love of dogs. They seems to develop mutual crushes on each other given the amount of blushing both perform in the other's presence. He proposes to her in The Royal Heir, Book 2, Chapter 18, and she accepts.
In Book 3, Chapter 2, you attend their wedding rehearsal. For the Portaviran Sending ceremony, they choose a bouquet to represent their love. The anemone flowers represent anticipation and the cosmos represent the harmony of their hearts bonding as one.
When Penelope comes clean at the wedding about her previous marriage, Zeke tells her that it does hurt him that she did not tell him sooner. However, he does recognize how much courage it took for her to tell him the truth and no matter what, he still loves her. Despite the scandal that it may bring his House (to which his mother says they can brave the inconvenience of it for him to marry for love), he does not let her past stand between them. He still wants to and does marry Penelope in the end. They announce her pregnancy in The Royal Finale.
Other Looks
- He carries emergency tweezers with him.