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Choices: Stories You Play Wiki

The Empire of Ash or the Ash Empire (Also known as the Great Conquerors) is an Empire in the Blades of Light and Shadow series. They make their first appearance in the bonus scene in Blades of Light and Shadow, Book 1, Chapter 16. 


According to the Watcher, the Empire of Ash is very deadly, and they are older than the elves and Morella. The Ash Empress is described as kind and noble, and she has gone to great lengths to capture realm-walkers, but she has never been successful until you became one. She also believes that there are realm-walkers powerful enough to open portals that can move a small group or a small army. According to the Watcher, the only way to defeat the Empire of Ash is to travel to each rift, and close the tears in the barriers.


The Empire of Ash has kept to themselves for millennia. However, because you defeated the Dreadlord, brought Light to the Shadow Realm, and became a realm-walker, the Empire of Ash has spotted you and decided to kidnap you so that they can use your blood to conquer the Light Realm. Said task fell to the daughter of the Empress, Princess Valax, who abducts you in Book 2, Chapter 2, using the hilt of the Blade of Light, and performs experiments on you. When she was in the dungeons, Loola said that she heard the Shadow Court guards complain about attacks from the Empire.

Ashen Creatures

The Ashen consists of several creatures and races, such as elves and monsters like the Dreadlord. The Ashen’s exposure to dark magic has changed their bodies dramatically. The Empire also has a large and terrifying army of creatures at their disposal, and if you unlock the bonus scene in Book 1, Chapter 16, you see a massive leathery creature that blots out the sky. According to Aerin, the Empress has a terrible creature under her power, and he describes it as a massive skeletal beast from nightmares.


Member Image Description Status
Ash Empress/Mother of Grey
BOLAS Ash Empress
She is Valax's mother, and the leader of the Empire of Ash. Deceased
Valax is the Princess of the Ash Empire. Alive
BOLAS Dreadlord CG
Originally being an Ashen noble, the Dreadlord rebelled against the Empress and became the leader of the Shadow Court. Deceased (Formerly)


Other Looks

Lore Tablets


  • Their crimes include treason, conspiracy, and mass murder.
  • Valax is shown on the cover of Blades of Light and Shadow, Book 2.
  • In Book 2, Chapter 2, it is mentioned that they are rivals with the Shadow Court.
  • While it was believed that the Dreadlord was the monarch of the Shadow Realm, in reality, it is the Empire of Ash.