Choices: Stories You Play Wiki
Choices: Stories You Play Wiki
Choices: Stories You Play Wiki

Elijah, a character in the My Two First Loves book, is Bad Boy's older brother. Although he is seen in a premium scene in Chapter 19, he makes his first non-determinant appearance in Chapter 25.


Elijah's appearance is dependent on which model is chosen for Bad Boy. Regardless of this choice, he wears a gray shirt under a black long-sleeved shirt, and maroon beanie.


Elijah originally comes off as someone who cares about Mackenzie and encourages her artistic ability while worrying about her safety. In Chapter 25, he abandons Main Character and Mackenzie when the cops show up after he smashes someone's car. This shows his true personality; a reckless thug who only cares about himself. He is described by his brother as "all charm and no responsibility".


My Two First Loves

My Two First Loves

  • Chapter 15: Hidden Depths (Mentioned; Determinant)
  • Chapter 18: Kiss Goodbye (Mentioned; Determinant)
  • Chapter 19: Double or Nothing (Determinant)
  • Chapter 25: The Crew
  • Chapter 26: Behind Bars (Mentioned)
  • Chapter 28: The Harris Boy
  • Chapter 39: Everything's Changed (Mentioned)
  • Chapter 40: A New Perspective (Mentioned; Determinant)
  • Chapter 41: The Half of It (Mentioned; Determinant)
  • Chapter 44: The Whole Truth
  • Chapter 45: The Dinner Guest
  • Chapter 46: New Tricks
  • Chapter 47: Overexposed
  • Chapter 48: The Person He Trusts Most
  • Chapter 52: Branching Out
  • Chapter 55: Friends in Low Places
  • Chapter 56: Inside Man
  • Chapter 58: Building Bridges
  • Chapter 59: Square One
  • Chapter 60: Slippery Slopes (Mentioned; Determinant)
  • Chapter 61: Let It Snow (Mentioned)
  • Chapter 62: Cold Blooded
  • Chapter 63: Blank Check (Mentioned)
  • Chapter 64: I'll Be Home for Christmas (Mentioned)
  • Chapter 65: Full House (Mentioned)
  • Chapter 67: Crowded Heart (Mentioned)
  • Chapter 68: Steamed Up (Mentioned; Determinant)
  • Chapter 70: All Downhill From Here (Mentioned; Determinant)
  • Chapter 82: Nothing but the Truth (Mentioned)
  • Chapter 84: Unlikely Allies (Mentioned; Physical Appearance Determinant)
  • Chapter 85: Out of the Pan, Into the Fire (Mentioned)
  • Chapter 86: Blood, Sweat, and Tears (Mentioned)
  • Chapter 87: The A Team
  • Chapter 88: Whatever You Need
  • Chapter 89: State's Witness
  • Chapter 91: The Defense Rests (Mentioned; Determinant)
  • Chapter 100: Back to the Future (Mentioned; Physical Appearance Determinant)


Bad Boy

Bad Boy is Elijah's younger brother. In Chapter 28, when Bad Boy finds out that Elijah abandoned Main Character and Mackenzie after smashing the car, he describes it as, "Typical Elijah. All charm and no responsibility." He says that he used to be close to his brother and that he wishes they could go back to the way their relationship was a few years ago.

Bad Boy states that Elijah had dropped out of a school a year or two after the Jennings burglary. In Chapter 46, Elijah says that he has re-enrolled in high school to finish his senior year and get his high school diploma. In Chapter 58, when he has taken over as the head of the Winter Wonderland set-up, Bad Boy explains that Elijah used to work in construction and as a foreman. Elijah though says Bad Boy is the master electrician between the two of them.

Mackenzie Price

In Chapter 19, if Main Character decides to talk to Mackenzie about what she did while she was out, she tells MC that Elijah showed her his homemade flamethrower and was protective towards her when Scooter accidentally burned her. In Chapter 25, Main Character tags along when Mackenzie goes to meet up with him and the rest of The Crew. During the talk with Mackenzie, MC mentions that she knows Elijah is older than Mackenzie and MC tells her not to let him push her around.

Main Character finds Elijah intimidating in the way that he could snap at the others, and she thinks that something about him feels off. After tagging a few trains, he brings the crew along to smash up someone's car, claiming that the owner owes him money and was refusing to pay. When the cops show up, he leaves Main Character and Mackenzie to be arrested.

Main Character

In Chapter 26, Main Character overhears the police officer talking about the "Harris kid". At first, MC wonders if he is talking about Bad Boy but then realize he was referring to Elijah. Elijah skipped parole and might be tied to some petty misdemeanors. There is some overlap with his records.


Other Looks



  • His third character model resembles Garrett.
  • His family and he share the same surname as the default surname of Beautiful Contestant from the America's Most Eligible series as well as her sister.
  • He shares the same name as Elijah Greene from the Open Heart series, Elijah Simmons from the Baby Bump series, and Eli Sipes from Wake the Dead.
  • His crimes include vandalism, destruction of property, breaking and entering, and theft.
  • He mentions that he is re-enrolling at Eastridge High at the end of Chapter 46.
    • In the following chapter, Your Character mentions that Elijah is "like 20", giving his approximate age to be around 19-21 years old.
  • In Chapter 62, it's revealed that he only took on responsibility and tried to make peace so that he can steal the school's money lockbox.
  • In Chapter 88, the group finds him stabbed in the chest, but he survives.
  • In Chapter 89, you can choose to let him go or report him to the police.
    • In the same chapter, it's revealed that he didn't originally plan on stealing the school's money lockbox, but only did so because he believed something was bound to go wrong in his attempt to make peace.
  • If you decide to not turn him in, he appears in Chapter 100 trying to make things better between him and his family.