Eleanor St-Claire (Birth name: Eleanor Blake), a character in the Crimes of Passion series, is a socialite, the mastermind behind the killings, and the original Chosen of Mahra. She is first seen in Book 1, Chapter 4, although her true nature isn’t revealed until Chapter 15.
Eleanor has medium-length white wavy hair, grey eyes and light skin. She wears a couple of blue long earrings, a blue ring and a white suit with a pink blouse underneath.
On the surface, Eleanor seems like a fun and lighthearted individual who likes parties, getting drunk, and having fun. According to Ruth, she has no sense of decorum. However, underneath that gentle facade, she is cruel, sadistic and psychotic, sharing similar traits to her accomplice, Tony Kowalski. She hates the term "serial killer", finding it to be cold and clinical.
Eleanor was the original Chosen of Mahra who murdered an unnamed number of victims in the past. In 1956, she snuck down into a secret chamber in her family mansion where her parents held "parties" and witnessed them attempt to sacrifice a woman to Mahra. While the Cultists were distracted by Eleanor's presence, the woman broke free and accidentally started a fire before stabbing Mathus. Cynthia took Eleanor to the bomb shelter in their mansion and locked her in to keep her safe from the flames. At some point, the intended sacrifice attempted to get in, but was consumed by the flames. Upon seeing her charred corpse, Eleanor was convinced she had seen Mahra. She spent a few years in the Foster Care system before reinventing herself as Eleanor St-Claire and used her inherited fortune and influence to erase Eleanor Blake from public records, letting people believe that she had died in the fire as well.
After Tony Kowalski was expelled from College, he took a job as a groundskeeper at Blake Hill to find out more about the original Hand of Mahra. He walked in on Eleanor preparing a sacrifice, causing her to almost kill him, before she decided to mentor him and prepare him to become the next "Chosen".
Crimes of Passion
Book 1
- Chapter 4: The Royal Treatment
- Chapter 5: Up In Flames
- Chapter 8: Forging Ahead (Mentioned)
- Chapter 10: Behind the Mask (Photo Appearance; Determinant)
- Chapter 11: Reasonable Doubt
- Chapter 12: Sabbatical (Mentioned)
- Chapter 13: A Stab in the Dark (Mentioned)
- Chapter 14: The Heat (Off-Screen)
- Chapter 15: The Final Curtain
- Chapter 16: The Heart of the Matter
- Chapter 17: The Long Goodbye (Mentioned; Photo Appearance Determinant)
Book 2
- Chapter 1: To Catch A Thief (Determinant)
- Chapter 4: Objection (Mentioned)
Book 3
- Chapter 9: Break Free (Mentioned; Determinant)
Ruth Iverson
She is with Ruth when Trystan introduces you to each other. She jokes that Ruth is Sonja's killer because Ruth gets her nice skin from bathing with the blood of her maidens.
Kenneth St-Claire
According to Eleanor, Kenneth is her idiot grandson who is running for Senator. When he is arrested for his involvement with the Hand of Mahra, Eleanor says that she's furious with him, and that perhaps they will try for a Senator run again in a few years.
Your Character
You meet Eleanor for the first time during the Iverson Ball, and asks Trystan to introduce you to her. She seems to want to get to know you better, and asks how you and Trystan met each other, and what you're doing in New York. She also tells you about Sonja's murder, and introduces you to other people such as Bethany Delgado. When you reveal to her in Chapter 11 that you're a detective, she says that you had her fooled, and offers you a drink.
Marguerite Thorne
Not much is known about their relationship, but Eleanor seems to like Marguerite, and wonders why you and Trystan chose to show up in her place instead at the Iverson Ball. In Chapter 15, it is revealed that she is the one that kidnapped her.
Tony Kowalski
Eleanor is Tony's Master. When Tony is arrested, she kidnaps Marguerite and orders you and Trystan to get him out or she'll kill Marguerite. After Eleanor attempts to kill Tony for his refusal to leave the burning Greenhouse, he shoots her as retaliation.
Known Victims
- Many unnamed victims
- Marguerite Thorne (Kidnapped)
Other Looks
- Her crimes include kidnapping, murder, and aiding and abetting.
- She is revealed to be the mastermind behind everything in Chapter 15.
- The name Eleanor is of Hebrew origin, which means "God's light".
- She shares the same first name as Eleanor Waverley from The Haunting of Braidwood Manor, Eleanor Harlenay from Veil of Secrets, Eleanor Rys from The Royal Heir series, and Ellie Ferrol from Plus One.
- Her child character model resembles Jane Marshall from It Lives In The Woods.
- In Chapter 16, it is revealed that her jewelry is composed of the hearts of her and Tony's victims.
- After her true identity is revealed, her title card changes from "Eleanor St-Claire" to "Eleanor Blake".
- Given that her surname is Blake, she shares her surname with Margaret Blake, Rose Blake and Trystan Blake from The Crown & The Flame series and Ethan Blake from Red Carpet Diaries series.