Choices: Stories You Play Wiki
Choices: Stories You Play Wiki
Choices: Stories You Play Wiki

Dinesh, a character in the Rules of Engagement series, is a lawyer and the executor of Nana's will. He is first seen in Book 1, Chapter 1.


Dinesh has slick black hair, stubble, dark skin and brown eyes. He wears a beige three-piece suit with a white shirt and yellow pocket handkerchief.


Dinesh is professional, as is expected of a lawyer of his status. However, he is considerate when dealing with sensitive issues, such as the handling of the Main Character's Nana's will, of which he is the executor.


Rules of Engagement

Book 1

  • Chapter 1: The Heiress
  • Chapter 5: Song and Dance
  • Chapter 9: Two Truths and a Lie

Book 2

  • Chapter 1: Uncharted Waters
  • Chapter 3: London Calling (Mentioned)
  • Chapter 5: Trouble in Paradise
  • Chapter 9: Trials of Love
  • Chapter 14: Recipe for Disaster
  • Chapter 15: Under the Surface
  • Chapter 20: Finale II: High Tides
  • Chapter 21: Finale III: Just Say Yes

Book 3

  • Chapter 1: Setting Sail
  • Chapter 5: Modern Mosaic (Mentioned)
  • Chapter 8: The Bachelorette
  • Chapter 10: Perfect Fit
  • Chapter 11: Into the Woods
  • Chapter 12: Memory Lane
  • Chapter 14: After the Storm
  • Chapter 15: Everything is Illuminated
  • Chapter 16: Save the Date
  • Chapter 17: After Party


  • Chapter 5: Into the Sunset

Witness: A Bodyguard Romance

Witness: A Bodyguard Romance

  • Chapter 13: Trial By Fire
  • Chapter 14: Come Sail Away



Dinesh is Nana's lawyer and responsible for carrying out her will. It's implied Dinesh was hired by Nana only a short time before her death.

Nana's Relatives

Nana's living relatives - Brother, Main Character, Bookish Sister, Party-Girl Sister, Aunt and Cousin - all come into contact with Dinesh at some point. Main Character forms a platonic friendship with Dinesh, with the latter often offering his advice to her. Both Aunt and Cousin are at times hostile to Dinesh, though he doesn't return the favor.


Kevin is Dinesh's boyfriend. He appears at Main Character's wedding with Dinesh as his date. Party-Girl Sister can overhear a part of their conversation in Book 3, Chapter 16 when they talk about their weekly movie night. They met in Rome during an aerial stunt pop-up workshop. They attend Main Character's housewarming party in Rules of Engagement: Newlyweds, Chapter 5.


Other Looks


  • Pixelberry gave him the same appearance as Tariq, a character from The Royal Romance series.
  • His name implies that he is of Indian descent, as his name 'Dinesh' translates to sun and his last name 'Singh' is a common last name in North India, and translates to lion.
  • He was friends with Main Character and siblings' parents in college. He served on the Student Council with their mother, who was council president. Their father would come to every meeting to support her, and make signs to promote motions she was trying to get passed.
  • Bookish Sister and Audrey talk about his signature "helicopter" move at Main Character' wedding.
  • He makes a cameo appearance in Witness: A Bodyguard Romance, Chapter 13.