Dante Vitale, a character in the Inheritance series, is your half-brother. He is first seen in Chapter 1.
Dante has dark skin, brown eyes, and black buzz-cut hair. He wears a dark blue suit with a white shirt, red tie, and white pocket square.
He is shown to be smug and entitled, though he has a very short temper and attacks people at the slightest provocation. Because of this, your father nicknamed him Bull.
Elizabeth says that he was angry, spiteful and mean-spirited even as a child.
Dante is the oldest son of Theodore Vitale and the Governor's chief of staff.
When he was still a student, he committed a variety of offenses that would've had him being suspended/expelled from school at best, and facing criminal charges at worst, but your father always bribed Dante out of trouble.
When he was fresh out of college your father brought him in for a high-profile case, thinking it would be good experience for him. Instead, Dante lost his temper and challenged the client to a fistfight.
- Chapter 1: Blood is Thicker Than Water
- Chapter 2: The First Attack
- Chapter 3: Circling for Prey
- Chapter 4: Where There's Smoke, There's Fire
- Chapter 5: Poker Face
- Chapter 6: Shadows Unmasked (Mentioned)
- Chapter 7: Home is Where the Blackmail Is
- Chapter 8: Boiling Point
- Chapter 9: Phoenix Rising (Off-Screen)
- Chapter 10: Snake Pit
Your Character
Dante has been shown multiple times to get physical with you, especially as kids. Because your dad cheated on his and Sabrina's mom, they both have a resentment towards you.
Other Looks
- His crimes include assault, property damage, harassment and murder.
- A Chapter 1 premium scene reveals that he has children, and a Chapter 2 premium scene reveals that he has two ex-wives, both of whom left him.
- In Chapter 6, it is implied, but not confirmed, that he was involved in the hit-and-run that killed your mother.
- This is confirmed in Chapter 8.