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Choices: Stories You Play Wiki

The Supreme One, a character in the Immortal Desires series, is a Creator vampire who is responsible for the murders around Crimson Beech. He is first seen in Book 1, Chapter 1.


The Supreme One has silver eyes, light skin, and black medium-length curly hair. He wears a long black and golden toga, a silver necklace, and a red and golden long cape with patterns.


The Supreme One can be described as vengeful, power-hungry, cruel, and violent. He has no regard for human nor vampire life, and his only goal is to become as powerful as possible. He also doesn't think highly of humans, which ends up becoming the reason for his downfall.


In Chapter 13, he is revealed to be a Creator, one of the first Vampires that ruled before their creations turned against them. As such, it is assumed that he seeks revenge from all vampires for the death of his fellow Creators.


Immortal Desires

Book 1

  • Chapter 1: Into the Lair
  • Chapter 12: Enemy Camp
  • Chapter 13: Homecoming (Mentioned; Physical Appearance Determinant)
  • Chapter 14: Evacuation
  • Chapter 15: Your Final Stand
  • Chapter 16: The Aftermath

Book 2

  • Chapter 1: Brave New World (Mentioned; Physical Appearance Determinant)
  • Chapter 2: Training Day (Mentioned; Determinant)
  • Chapter 5: A New Threat (Mentioned)
  • Chapter 6: Happy Hunting (Mentioned)
  • Chapter 13: Preparations (Mentioned)
  • Chapter 16: What Comes After (Mentioned)

Immortal Desires: Paths Not Taken

  • Chapter 2: A Common Enemy



He is shown transforming another vampire into a more monstrous version. In Chapter 12, he is shown with several of his followers (Including Shiloh) preparing to attack Crimson Beech, turning several of them into his Creations. In Chapter 14, he executes his attack.

Your Character

When he arrives in Crimson Beech and attacks everyone with a massive blast, you are caught in it. In Chapter 15, he is killed when you trick him into drinking your blood, which contained a small amount of Vampire blood at the time, causing him to poison himself. Before dying, you have the chance to tap into the ley line energy to resist unconsciousness, and have the last word as you rub your victory in his face.

Powers and Abilities

  • Enhanced Strength: Book 1, Chapter 15 demonstrates his strength when, with the barest flick of arms, he sends both Lewyn and Astoria slamming into faraway trees, causing an explosion of splinters from the impact.
  • Enhanced Speed and Reflexes: In Book 1, Chapter 15, he dodges Seth's attack in the blink of an eye.
  • Hibernation: Like all other Creators, he went into hibernation, an intensely dormant state.
  • Ley Line Energy Absorption: In Book 1, Chapter 13, Creators are referred to as the first vampires who got their powers right from the ley lines. From the tablet that you, Cas, and Gabe can read in a premium scene, you first learn that Creators also have the ability to absorb and store ley line energy within themselves to the point where they can find the hearts of the ley lines and drain them dry.
  • Energy Blast: In Book 1, Chapter 14 and 15, he uses two energy blasts. The first one knocks you and several vampires off your feet, injuring some of them. The second blast catches only Lewyn and Astoria who have jumped into its path and as a result collapse while covered in burns and lacerations.
  • Immortality: Since vampires were created by Creators and are immortal, and because Creators are able to survive long periods of hibernation, it can be assumed that Creators are immortal, too.
  • Heightened Senses: In Book 1, Chapter 15, he recognizes you from your smell which was also present on the site where he found his slain scouts.


  • Vampire Blood: Vampire blood is poisonous to Creators. Even a drop or two is enough to kill a Creator.


Other Looks



  • His crimes include conspiracy, murder, attempted murder and terrorism.