Choices: Stories You Play Wiki
Choices: Stories You Play Wiki

Cordelia Parsons, a character in the Desire & Decorum series, is one of the ladies of Hazelvale and one of Annabelle Parsons's younger sisters. Although she is mentioned along with Annabelle's other sisters in earlier chapters, she is first seen in Book 3, Chapter 4.


Miss Cordelia has black hair tied behind her head, brown eyes, and tan skin. She wears a silver headband, white lace floral dress with a blue coat, and a sapphire and pearl necklace.


While Constance appears to be the more responsible twin, Cordelia appears to be more coquettish and lighthearted.


Desire & Decorum

Book 1

  • Chapter 5: The Road to London (Mentioned; Determinant)
  • Chapter 6: An Intimate Affair (Mentioned)
  • Chapter 16: Season's End (Mentioned; Determinant)

Book 2

  • Chapter 2: A Royal Introduction (Mentioned)
  • Chapter 6: A New Set of Rules (Mentioned)
  • Chapter 8: Hunt Or Be Hunted (Mentioned; Determinant)
  • Chapter 11: A New Horizon (Mentioned)

Book 3

  • Chapter 4: Sugar & Spice
  • Chapter 5: Double Trouble
  • Chapter 6: Keep Your Enemies Closer
  • Chapter 7: London Calling
  • Chapter 12: Tower of Terror (Mentioned; Determinant)
  • Chapter 13: Love and War
  • Chapter 15: With This Ring
  • Chapter 16: A Joyous Union
  • Chapter 17: Wife or Death
  • Chapter 18: 1817

Desire & Decorum: First Winter

  • Chapter 1: Deck the Halls
  • Chapter 3: The Most Wonderful Time of the Year
  • Chapter 4: Sleigh Ride


Annabelle Parsons

Annabelle is her older sister.

Your Character

Because Annabelle speaks frequently about you, Cordelia and Constance immediately like you and ask that you attend their upcoming birthday party.

Luke Harper

In Book 2, Chapter 6, when the Dowager Countess of Edgewater is forced to release Mr. Harper from employment, Annabelle convinces her family to hire him as a manservant. From that point, Mr. Harper becomes acquainted with Miss Cordelia. At your engagement party, depending on your choices and if you are not engaged to him, Cordelia flirts with Sir Luke, who blushes at the attention.

If you encourage Sir Luke to confess his feelings to her in Chapter 16, she tells him that her feelings started when he became employed at Hazelvale Manor. When he is surprised by this, she tells him that was the reason she snuck down to the stables to visit him often.

In Chapter 18, if you encouraged them, they are married. If you also have enough Manners to see their future, you learn that they are having a baby.

If you choose to romance him and the two of you are engaged in Book 3, then she comments positively on your relationship and notes what a beautiful couple you are.

Viscount Westonly

Viscount Westonly has been the subject of games that Cordelia and Constance play. They are well aware of his ability to mishear conversations and play with the fact when conversing with him.


Other Looks



  • Miss Cordelia and Sir Luke start the courtship points in the Desire & Decorum series if your character is not engaged to him.
  • In Chapter 18, if you encouraged them and Sir Luke is not your character's love interest, they are married and Cordelia's titlecard changes to "Lady Cordelia".