Constance Parsons, a character in the Desire & Decorum series, is one of the ladies of Hazelvale and one of Annabelle Parsons's younger sisters. Although she is mentioned along with Annabelle's other sisters in earlier chapters, she is first seen in Book 3, Chapter 4.
Constance has long curly black hair tied into a ponytail, brown eyes and light skin. She wears a beige dress, a silver headband and a silver necklace.
Constance can be described as responsible, friendly and kind. She's always nice towards others, and even supports your character and Annabelle against her father. She's also very competitive when playing games.
Desire & Decorum
Book 1
- Chapter 5: The Road to London (Mentioned; Determinant)
- Chapter 6: An Intimate Affair (Mentioned)
- Chapter 16: Season's End (Mentioned; Determinant)
Book 2
- Chapter 2: A Royal Introduction (Mentioned)
- Chapter 6: A New Set of Rules (Mentioned)
- Chapter 8: Hunt Or Be Hunted (Mentioned; Determinant)
- Chapter 11: A New Horizon (Mentioned)
Book 3
- Chapter 4: Sugar & Spice
- Chapter 5: Double Trouble
- Chapter 6: Keep Your Enemies Closer
- Chapter 7: London Calling
- Chapter 13: Love and War
- Chapter 15: With This Ring
- Chapter 16: A Joyous Union
- Chapter 17: Wife or Death
- Chapter 18: 1817
Desire & Decorum: First Winter
- Chapter 1: Deck the Halls
- Chapter 3: The Most Wonderful Time of the Year
- Chapter 4: Sleigh Ride
Cordelia Parsons
She is Cordelia's twin sister. They celebrate their 20th birthday in Chapter 5. While Cordelia wants to play battledore and shuttlestock, Constance reminds her of their responsibility to their guests. If Cordelia is courting Sir Luke, Constance mentions that she misses having Cordelia around.
Annabelle Parsons
Annabelle is her older sister. If Your Character is married to her, she mentions that she misses having Annabelle around, but she knows that she's happy on Edgewater with you.
Your Character
Because Annabelle speaks frequently about you, Cordelia and Constance immediately like you and ask that you attend their upcoming birthday party. During their birthday party in Chapter 5, they the guests if they would join a game until Constance angrily gives in but makes it a condition you join. If you don't, you will say that she has a point and she will answer that at least someone understands where she is coming from. Instead, the two sisters decide to "go pester the Bowmans", especially since Constance heard that Miss Donna has a new suitor. In Book 3, Chapter 6, she and Cordelia both ask you if you can check on Annabelle after their argument since they don't want to make their father even angrier than he already is.
Luke Harper
In Book 2, Chapter 6, when the Dowager Countess of Edgewater is forced to release Mr. Harper from employment, Annabelle convinces her family to hire him as a manservant. From that point, Mr. Harper becomes acquainted with the Parsons twins. Despite the fact that Cordelia is the one flirting with Sir Luke, Constance seems to consider him a great friend.
Viscount Westonly
Viscount Westonly has been the subject of games that Cordelia and Constance play. They are well aware of his ability to mishear conversations and play with the fact when conversing with him.
Thaddeus Parsons
Thaddeus is Constance's father. They seem to have a good relationship, but when Thaddeus attempts to matchmake Annabelle with Harry and Yusuf, Constance asks him to let Annabelle be her own woman, which is all that she has ever asked from him.
Prince Hamid
If you are not married to Prince Hamid, Constance seems to have taken a liking to him. In a premium scene in First Winter, you can prank her with Annabelle by having Hamid and Constance kiss under the mistletoe. This leads to Hamid to comment that he likes Constance, hinting at a possible romance. In the following Chapter during the running competition, Constance says that she wants to win so she can take Hamid for herself.