Choices: Stories You Play Wiki
Choices: Stories You Play Wiki

Connor, a character in the It Lives In The Woods book, is Stacy's older brother. He is one of Main Character's love interests. He is first seen in Chapter 1.


Connor has long blond hair and gray eyes. He wears a leather jacket and a blue shirt. Connor wears black and gold bracelets on his wrist, at least one of which has a skull on it. He says his hands are calloused because of the physical work and his hobby.


Connor mentions having to break up fights between his mother and sister, implying his concern for them. He is also friendly towards his sister's old friends, particularly Main Character, whom he can date regardless of his/her gender.


It Lives

It Lives In The Woods

  • Chapter 1: Old Friends
  • Chapter 3: Sticks and Stones
  • Chapter 5: Buckle Up
  • Chapter 6: A Bitter Pill to Swallow (Mentioned)
  • Chapter 7: Party Favors
  • Chapter 9: Ungrateful
  • Chapter 10: I'm Not Scared (Mentioned)
  • Chapter 11: You Again
  • Chapter 12: Homecoming (Determinant)
  • Chapter 13: Fight or Flight
  • Chapter 14: In the Dark (Off-screen)
  • Chapter 16: In Memoriam

It Lives Beneath

  • Chapter 5: Gone Fishing
  • Chapter 17: Fishsticks (Determinant)


Connor first appears in the first chapter; he is driving down the road and catches a glimpse of Main Character who is walking to school. The two share a friendly greeting but Main Character can't recall who he is. He then appears at the local hardware store in the third chapter, reintroducing himself as Stacy's brother, and the two reunite. A former student of Westchester High, he has taken up a variety of odd jobs in his life since then, and is in town with his sister and mother. He unknowingly helps supply Main Character and some of his friends with the weapons they use in their first encounter with Redfield. He is later shown to attend the basketball game, cheering his sister on, as well as the party at Britney's house. During both of these times, the player can spend some one-on-one time with Connor to get to know him better, and can begin dating Connor (though Connor and Stacy cannot be dated simultaneously).

In Chapter 12, Connor attends the homecoming dance with the group. In the next chapter, he helps the group escape the violent animal attacks that Redfield unleashes on the high school, and (regardless of relationship status) he is angry with Main Character for how she/he left him in the dark about the involvement she/he had in the town's events. He agrees to work with the group, and drives them to the hospital to find Dan, but he's missing. Unfortunately, a bite wound to the side he sustained from one of Redfield's creatures earlier forces him to stay behind during the final confrontation with Redfield in the following chapters. (However, a premium option during the confrontation will allow the player to read text messages from Connor that explain what happened at the school after the group left.)

As a result of him staying behind, Connor is the only major protagonist in the book who cannot die; as such, he always appears in the final chapter. If Main Character is dead, Connor will do the eulogy at his/her service.


Stacy Green

Connor is Stacy's brother. He deeply cares for her and takes every opportunity to stop fights between her and their mother. They occasionally have sibling disputes, for example in Chapter 5, Stacy sticks out her tongue at him and he calls her brat. Because they're so close, both of them romancing Main Character at the same time would feel weird to them which is why he becomes unavailable as LI for Main Character should she/he romance Stacy.

Main Character

Connor often bumps into Main Character around town. Due to Main Character's relationship with his sister, he sees him/her as a good person. Both Connor and his sister are love interests for the Main Character. However, as soon as Main Character starts pursuing one of them, the other becomes unavailable as romantic option. For example, if Main Character kisses one of them at the party in Chapter 7, she/he can't kiss the other and all romantic options with the other become unavailable. When he finds out Main Character is involved in the events around town and didn't tell him, he is hurt and angry and initially refuses to listen even if Main Character tries to explain. He then leaves.

When preparing for the ritual in Chapter 11, Main Character and the rest of the group visit his store again and Main Character talks to him to mend fences and can then tell him the whole truth in a premium scene. If Main Character adopted Cora's creature, she/he can show him the creature as proof that she/he is telling the truth. Regardless of whether or not the premium scene was taken, Main Character can ask him to be her/his homecoming date once they are back inside and he will agree.

If he is Main Character's homecoming date, he will text her/him in Chapter 12 and invite her/him to dinner before the dance. If Main Character agrees, he reveals he already made a reservation at Renoir's which Main Character calls the fancy French place. He and Main Character meet there because he let his friend borrow his car and because the whole group drives to the school in a limousine anyway. The friend promised to drop the car off at school so he would be able to drive Main Character home afterwards. Main Character apologizes again for lying to him and he answers that what's done is done. It matters more to him that Main Character eventually did tell him the truth and that she/he had actually good reasons to not tell him earlier. When Main Character says she/he wanted to keep him safe, he tells her/him not to as he can take care of himself and then kisses her/him. During the drive to the dance, he takes a picture of him and Main Character together.

During the attack at the dance, he helps Main Character and the group by luring the creatures away from them and by fighting them off. He then gets his car that the group uses to get away but he gets hurt in the progress which is why Lucas has to take over as driver on the way to the hospital. At the hospital, he encourges Main Character to talk to the friends to boost their nerves. His wound is why he has to stay at the hospital. When leaving, Main Character has the option to ask for a goodbye kiss to which he replies that it's not goodbye. When pulling away from the kiss, he has tears in his eyes and asks Main Character to be careful.

In Chapter 14, he texts Main Character to check if the group is alive. Main Character can check on him in a premium scene where he reveals his wound was treated with about twenty stitches and that he needed to be handcuffed after his third attempt to escape to check on Main Character and the group. Main Character has the option to say she/he loves him. In this case, she/he apologizes about the timing but needs him to know in case she/he is about to die. He will answer that she/he is not allowed to die because he thinks he is falling in love, too. When Main Character says goodbye, he again says it's not goodbye, he will see her/him later.

Other Looks


  • While he can be romanced and is a major character, Connor has no nerve score. This is because he never confronts Mr. Red and as a result, his life is not directly endangered during the events of the game. Consequently, Connor is the only protagonist of the book who is always alive by the end of the game, no matter what.
  • He somewhat resembles the Marvel superhero, Thor.
  • He mentions in Chapter 5 that he recalls getting into a fight with Cody when he was at Westchester High.
    • In the same chapter, he reveals in a premium scene that he considers himself an artist and is mostly into sculptures as he loves working with his hands.
  • If Main Character spends time with Connor at the party, he will reveal that he can't whistle. However, he can split an apple in half using his bare hands, and offers to teach him/her how to do it too.
  • If Main Character didn't survive the events of Chapter 15, Connor will give a speech at the memorial in Main Character's place.
  • The writing for Connors's character is inspired by the song "#1 Crush" by American alternative rock band, Garbage.[1]
  • He makes an appearance in Chapter 5 and 17 of It Lives Beneath and sports a new look.
  • The name Connor is of Irish origin and means: Lover of hounds, lover of wolves, wisdom, counsel, strength, high, will, desire.

