Choices: Stories You Play Wiki
Choices: Stories You Play Wiki
Choices: Stories You Play Wiki

This category page contains all pages and sub-categories related to Diarios de Hollywood series.

The series' status is: Book 3 Coming Soon

Diarios de Hollywood, Libro 1: The Spanish version of Red Carpet Diaries, Book 1, the story follows a young woman who recently moved to Los Angeles from Iowa to start her career as an actress.

Diarios de Hollywood, Libro 2: The Spanish version of Red Carpet Diaries, Book 2, the story follows the same actress who gets exposed to the dark side of Hollywood where she must save her career and reputation from a self-centered agent and sinister movie mogul.


Books you might be looking for in this category:

English Version


Walkthroughs you might be looking for in this category:

English Version

All items (6)
