Carter Jackson, a character in the Queen B series, is a Belvoire student and the captain of the football team. He is also a potential member of Your Character's Posse. He is first pictured in the student ranking in Book 1, Chapter 1, but makes his first appearance in Book 1, Chapter 2.
Carter has dark brown eyes, chestnut brown curly hair and dark skin. He wears a silver earring and a stripe shirt with red, blue and white colors.
Carter is friendly and well-liked. He also is proud of his school and of his team and appreciates students who show school spirit.
If you recruit him in Chapter 11, he mentions that he is new money. He also admits that, "Sometimes I feel like the king of the school, and sometimes I feel like if I wasn't team captain no one would ever look twice at me." This establishes that he either feels insecure about his place at Belvoire, or he understands the superficiality about the friends he has due to his popularity. He knows he has a couple friends who would have his back no matter what, but he can't say that about everyone who befriends him.
Queen B
Book 1
- Chapter 1: Know Your Enemy (Student Rankings)
- Chapter 2: Damage Control
- Chapter 4: Don't Hate the Players
- Chapter 5: Takers Keepers (Mentioned)
- Chapter 8: Lying Low (Mentioned)
- Chapter 11: The Naked Truth
- Chapter 13: Blackmail and Besties (Determinant)
- Chapter 14: Designer and Decorum
- Chapter 15: Cross Your Fingers...
- Chapter 16: ...And Watch Your Back
Book 2
- Chapter 1: Enemy At The Gates
- Chapter 3: Another One Bites The Dust
- Chapter 4: Queens' Gambit (Determinant)
- Chapter 6: Ding Dong, the Witch Ain't Dead
- Chapter 7: Trouble in Paradise (Determinant)
- Chapter 8: Things That Go Bump in the Dark
- Chapter 9: Hell of Your Own Making
- Chapter 10: Charity and Other C Words
- Chapter 11: When Alpha Met Zeta
- Chapter 12: Student of History (Offscreen; Determinant)
- Chapter 13: Zugzwang, B!tch
- Chapter 15: By, By, Bylaws
- Chapter 16: Videmus Omnia
Your Character
In Chapter 2, you meet him at his fraternity party where you can boost your reputation. He is shown to be friendly towards you despite what his girlfriend does. When you are accused of cheating in your previous college, he is the first one who defends you. In Chapter 4, he is among the students you can choose to kiss when the kiss cam lands on you. If you decide to, you tell him you hope Poppy won't get mad. He doesn't think she will because you two were just having fun, but he is mistaken when Poppy screeches at him. You make Poppy even angrier and she insults both of you when she breaks up with Carter.
In Chapter 11, he invites you to Poppy's game of "Suck n' Blow". If you decide to participate, you two can become intimate with or without Veronica Lombardi. Later (whether or not you participated), when you start to rifle through Poppy's room, he sees you. You can persuade him to join your Posse and learn more about him and his past relationship with Poppy. If you choose to recruit him, he says that, "you seem like the type who sees the other stuff people are about," suggesting that you make him feel 'seen' in ways that Poppy did not when they were together.
In Book 2, if you recruited him into your Posse, he supports and helps you. As one of the Top 15, he is also one of your competitors to become an Apoidea member. In Chapter 8, if you accuse him of being the murderer in the murder mystery challenge, the voice over the intercom tells you are incorrect but he is eliminated from the competition. If you accuse Erik or Selene instead, you are still incorrect but Carter remains in the competition and is allowed to progress to the next round.
Poppy Min-Sinclair
Poppy is his girlfriend of two years and, later, his ex. If you decide to listen to Professor Kingsley's research about Poppy, he/she will reveal that Carter is the golden-type popular boy and Poppy keeps him in check to prevent him from outranking her. Before they started dating, Carter was popular because he was well-liked by students and faculty alike. To keep her Queen B title, Poppy began to date him to keep her power in the school, tying herself to the school's most-beloved student. Professor Kingsley also reveals that although Carter seems to genuinely care about Poppy, he seems happier when she is not around and doesn't cut him down. In Chapter 4, after the performance, Poppy breaks up with him because he helped you in your performance. If you decided to kiss him, Poppy calls him a cheating scumbag.
In Chapter 11, if you recruit him to your posse, he tells you that Poppy always treated him like a trophy boyfriend. As such, he is privy to the location of where she hides her valuables because she used to have him retrieve them for her. In Chapter 16, she angrily insults him at the awards ceremony, calling him "poor".
Ford, Luis, Michael, Erik
It is revealed in Chapter 4 that Ford, Luis and Erik are all part of the football team. He is also a member of Alpha fraternity along with Ford, Luis and Michael.
Other Looks
- He shares the same name as Carter from the Rules of Engagement series and Carter from The Nanny Affair series.
- He shares the same surname as Will Jackson from The Crown & the Flame series, Kit Jackson from Untameable and Dee Dee Jackson from Getaway Girls.
- While it is initially shown that Carter ranks 3rd and Veronica ranks 4th in Chapter 2, their ranks in their titlecards in Chapter 2 show that their ranks are reversed. That could either be an inconsistency or a demonstration of the highly fluctuating popularity of students based on their current behavior. When your character hits the top 15 (as early as Chapter 4) and the rankings are shown again, Carter ranks as 4th. At the beginning of Book 2, he ranks in 3rd place by default (with your character's default rank as 12th place).
- He is the starting quarterback of the school's football team.
- The name Carter is of Irish, Scottish, and English origin and means "transporter of goods by cart", thus it's an occupational name given to one who transports goods by cart or wagon ultimately of Irish and Celtic derivation. It's also an Irish reduced form of the name McCarter or the Scottish-Gaelic Mac Artair with Mc meaning "son of".
- The surname Jackson (/ˈdʒæksən/) is a common surname of American and Scottish origin. It literally means "son of Jack". In 1980, Jackson was the 24th most popular surname in England and Wales.
- Zoey mentions in Chapter 8 that there is a video of him doing the Cluckin' Good wing challenge and barfing on Seth Rogen's shoes.