Choices: Stories You Play Wiki
Choices: Stories You Play Wiki

Camilla, a character in the #LoveHacks series, is the new writer for the lifestyle blog in ClickIt. She is first seen in Book 2, Chapter 10.


Camilla has brown eyes, black hair in a high bun and tanned skin. She wears a blue dress and a gold necklace. She is considered by various people in the book as a "hot person".


She is an extremely manipulative person, manipulating Leah not to let her leave the relationship and to enter the ClickIt. She may also have betrayed Leah, what can be a reason for their breakup.



Book 2

  • Chapter 10: 10 Surprisingly Foosball Tips
  • Chapter 11: 11 Signs You Grew Up With An Older Sibling (Mentioned)
  • Chapter 14: The 14 Job Offers Millennials Get
  • Chapter 16: 16 Things Teens Don't Want You To Know
  • Chapter 18: This Series Finale Will Have You Shook


Leah Myers

Camilla is Leah's ex-girlfriend. She psychologically abused Leah in her former relationship.

