Choices: Stories You Play Wiki
Choices: Stories You Play Wiki

Buzz is a character in the Rules of Engagement series. The player can meet him in Book 1, Chapter 2, if their Main Character chooses to interact with him at the 'Wine and Mixers'. Also, Bookish Sister can meet him in Book 1, Chapter 5, if she chooses him as her dance partner for the Salsa class.


Buzz has black, cropped hair, brown eyes, and dark skin. He wears a green sweater.


To say the least, Buzz is definitely an oddball. He likes to be consistent, preferring to eat the same dishes whenever he eats at a restaurant, especially soup. Buzz also states that he enjoys taxidermy, the process of stuffing an animal which is no longer alive.

It can be said that Buzz is someone who is often misunderstood by those around him due to his mannerisms and actions, which may be perceived as strange and weird. Despite this, Buzz is an unassuming person who keeps himself to himself and causes no trouble. He is described to be detail-oriented and usually starts conversations with women by listing his interests to see if they are compatible.


Rules of Engagement

Book 1

  • Chapter 2: Wine and Mixers (Determinant)
  • Chapter 5: Song and Dance (Determinant)
  • Chapter 14: Pressure Point (Determinant)

Book 2

  • Chapter 6: The Way to a Man's Heart
  • Chapter 13: Up in the Air

Book 3

  • Chapter 8: The Bachelorette
  • Chapter 9: When in Rome
  • Chapter 16: Save the Date (Determinant)


Book 1

  • Chapter 9: 9 Things Only Attractive People Get Away With!


Pary-Girl Sister

Party-Girl Sister has to frequently serve him food while working at the Nomade, having to reassure him when Mira decides to make changes to the menu, removing his usual dish.

Brooke Williams

In LoveHacks, Brooke Williams wants to prove that she doesn't have what Cole calls a sphere of prettiness. She can choose between Buzz and Shane and will try to make whoever she chooses mad at her by being mean to him. If she chooses Buzz and tells him that he is a "dumb dork", he will agree that he has been called all that before. Regardless of how mean she is too him, he engages in the conversation and suggests talking about the weather. If she intentionally spills his drink on him, he will apologize to her for leaving the cup in a vulnerable position and is instead worried that the drink spilled on her, too. She eventually gives up trying to make him angry.



  • Buzz makes a cameo appearance in LoveHacks, Book 1, Chapter 9.
  • He almost only eats soup. If you put a hamburger on the menu of the Nomade, he will like it, but the next time he will order soup again.
  • His interests include kites, soup, taxidermy, flightless birds, conversations.