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Choices: Stories You Play Wiki

Brett Morris, a character from the Murder at Homecoming book, is Beachwood High's most infamous bad boy, and a drug dealer. He is first seen in Chapter 5, although he is mentioned for the first time in Chapter 1.


Brett has short wavy blond hair, brown eyes, and light skin. He wears a white t-shirt underneath a blue and green jacket, with his name, his initial, and with a shark badge and a number.


When you meet him for the first time, you note that he walks around like he owns the place, and that he believes that he’s better than everyone else. From the way he treated Stevie and talks about his exes Judy and Claudia, it can be told that he has an abusive, controlling, and jealous side to him. He uses swear words to talk about women he claims to have crossed him. Brett was ready to sleep with a freshman (Stevie) to make his then girlfriend jealous. As you put it in Chapter 10: "You've somehow gone your whole life believing that everyone's out to get you, when in the end, you're the problem."


Brett is a drug dealer who sells illegal products in Beachwood High. He was arrested and spend one year in prison for his crimes, until he was released. According to Stevie, he also steals from people who can't afford to replace them, sells bags of oregano to freshmen, and he has done some bad stuff to girls. Before he got expelled, he made everyone's life a living hell, and the track team used to go to his parties.

Two years prior to the events of the story, he attempted to sexually assault Stevie before placing the blame of the whole incident on her.


Murder at Homecoming

Murder at Homecoming

  • Chapter 1: Blood in the Water (Mentioned)
  • Chapter 4: You’ve Changed (Mentioned)
  • Chapter 5: Bad Boys
  • Chapter 6: Behind Closed Doors (Mentioned)
  • Chapter 7: Party Crasher
  • Chapter 8: I Don't Want to Believe (Mentioned)
  • Chapter 9: Case Closed? (Mentioned)
  • Chapter 10: Prisoner's Dilemma
  • Chapter 11: Run, Rabbit, Run
  • Chapter 12: To Tug at Tangled Threads (Mentioned)
  • Chapter 14: Dance with Death (Mentioned)
  • Chapter 15: Prey For Me
  • Chapter 16: Surviving High School (Mentioned)


Claudia Rhodes

He's Claudia's ex-boyfriend, and they were together until he was arrested. You note that Claudia never looked as happy as she did being on a friend date with Dylan than being Brett's girlfriend. After their breakup, Brett went on a long rant about how awful of a girlfriend Claudia was, saying she didn't love him the way he loved her. He also complains that she broke up with him while he was in jail. In Chapter 10, he confirms that he sprayed their initials on a wall, and claims that he never hurt her. He says that they fell fast and hard, and that he never met someone who got him the way Claudia did. However, he shows he had a controlling behavior towards her in their relationship, demanding to be there for him even when she had work for school to do or wanted to hang out with her friends, and tracking her location to see where she was. Whenever Brett needed her but she didn't have time, he would call her over a dozen times and leave her several messages, begging her to spend time with him, not wanting to believe she had an actual explanation for not having the time. He believes she was ditching him for Gabbie which is why he was trying to isolate Claudia from her, telling her to "get rid of her".

Tyler Woods

When you and Tyler attempt to interrogate him in Chapter 5, the latter ends up losing his temper and punches him.

Gabbie Navarro

In Chapter 4, it is revealed that Gabbie had sold him out to the police since he was her rival in the fake I.D. business. He spent a year in jail and was released a few weeks prior to the events of the story. When you try to interrogate him, he says that he wouldn’t get his hands dirty for her. In Chapter 7, he claims that Gabbie had always hated him, even before he started dating Claudia, and accused her of "stalking" him, always trying to get him in trouble. Although he was released before her murder, he gives an alibi accounting for the night of her murder as he was in jail again for violating his parole. He thinks her death will make people worship her more than they already did. Stevie believes Brett doesn't know why Gabbie hated him for so long, and you agree that it seems like Gabbie was out to get him for a long time. Brett does later admit that Gabbie always seemed to hate him more than he hated her, and you theorize that Brett's abusive behavior is what determined Gabbie to get him arrested.

Stevie Sun

Stevie hates Brett, and in Chapter 8, she confesses to you that when she was a freshman and he was a sophomore, Brett attempted to sexually assault her. This happened after going to a party and having something to drink that made her dizzy. When Brett saw her, he gave her water and offered to drive her home with his car, but instead, he climbed on top of her and started kissing her. Stevie told him to stop to no avail, until Brett's girlfriend at the time interrupted them before things escalated. Judy blamed Stevie for what happened, and because of this, it cost Stevie her reputation. Stevie on the other hand told some people about what happened, but never reported Brett because she didn't believe that it would change anything. Brett claims it was the other way round, trying to shift the full blame onto Stevie. According to him, it was Stevie and not him who made obvious advances and that he only wanted to give her what he wanted. He claims she tried to frame him when caught as she was too embarrassed. Even when you tell him how it actually was, he refuses to accept to see another side of the story.


Other Looks


  • His family is one of the richest families in town.
  • His crimes include theft, drug trafficking, forgery, and attempted sexual assualt.
  • His character model resembles Alexei Vukoja from Foreign Affairs.
  • In Chapter 7, he can mention his father working in a law firm.
  • In Chapter 16, it is mentioned that his family moved out of town after April was convicted.

