Brent Lowell, a character in the Hot Shot series, is a hockey player, and a member of the Seattle Blades. He is first seen in Book 1, Chapter 2.
Brent has short cropped brown hair, gray eyes, and tanned skin. He wears a blue dress shirt with chest pocket.
When Brent drunkenly makes unwanted advances towards you at the club, you can tell him to takes his "smarmy hands" off of you. When Hockey Star steps in, telling him that you turned him down and that no means no, Brent refuses to listen and instead starts to provoke Hockey Star. He is noted by other players and by fans to not be a teamplayer and to have a big ego, especially after he is promoted after Hockey Star's suspension.
Hot Shot
Hot Shot
- Chapter 2: Nothing Personal
- Chapter 3: The Sin Bin
- Chapter 4: Knockout
- Chapter 6: Risky Business
- Chapter 7: Hunger
- Chapter 8: A Bone to Puck
- Chapter 10: Fallout (Mentioned; Determinant)
- Chapter 11: The Sting
- Chapter 12: Daddy Issues
- Chapter 13: Score
- Chapter 14: Compromised Position (Mentioned)
- Chapter 15: The Scoop (Off-Screen)
- Chapter 16: Breaking
- Chapter 17: Avalanche (Mentioned)
- Chapter 18: Back In The Game (Off-Screen)
- Chapter 19: Light the Lamp
Hockey Star
Brent and Hockey Star are teammates but also rivals, with Brent striving for Hockey Star's position. Brent's behavior towards you in the club results in an argument between the two which spirals out of control when Brent drunkenly keeps provoking him/her by bringing up Hockey Star's past. This results in Hockey Star punching Brent in front of bystanders and the video going viral. When Hockey Star gets suspended after being ejected from a match for his/her behavior towards a rival player, Coach Rojas publicly declares to give Hockey Star's position as first-line center to Brent. Hockey Star offers to help you find some dirt on Brent to placate the paparazzo. If you decline, you say it's because you don't want to risk Hockey Star being suspended again for messing with a teammate.
Your Character
When the team is at a club, Brent drinks too much and starts to hit on you and to pull you close. You can choose to push him away yourself or wait for Hockey Star to notice the situation. Even if you push him away yourself, Hockey Star intervenes which results in Brent telling Hockey Star that you are old enough to make your own decisions to which Hockey Star replies that you already pushed him away.
When a paparazzo finds out about your secret relationship with Hockey Star - which may get you in trouble at your job if revealed - you decide to put him on Brent's trail instead, either on your own or with the help of Hockey Star. If on your own, you manage to take screenshots of Brent's phone about his romantic entanglements but in this case, it is not mentioned in the game how you achieved getting the information and what these entanglements are.
Other Looks
- His character model resembles Clyde from Immortal Desires.
- He wears the same outfit as Seth Levine from the Red Carpet Diaries series.
- He shares the same last name as Cal Lowell from Nightbound.
- In a premium scene in Book 1, Chapter 11, it's revealed he was stringing along three people named Jenny, Delilah and Dom.