Boots, a character in the Wake the Dead book, is one of the members of The Raiders. He is first seen in Chapter 6.
Boots has short faded dark brown hair and a thick beard, tanned skin, and grey eyes with a cataract in his left one. He also has several scars along his left eye, and wears a ripped khaki t-shirt with spiky pauldrons, and a furry metal armor protecting his chest and hands. What's more, he wears black paint on his arms, in the shape of two black lines.
Boots can be described as both level-headed and intimidating.
Wake the Dead
Wake the Dead
- Chapter 6: Aid and Abet
- Chapter 7: Highway To Hell
- Chapter 12: Prove Your Worth
- Chapter 17: Shadows of the Past
- Chapter 19: The Solstice
Your Character
You meet him for the first time when he and Knuckles attack Sunflower Creek, and you can choose to attack him. When Sledge and the other Raiders put you against the Soldier Zombie, Boots bets a bottle of whiskey that you won't last for more than thirty seconds.
Boots is Knuckles' partner in extortion. Between the two of them, he seems more level-headed and less aggressive.
Hatchet and Boots have known each other for a long time. At first they grew up in the same colony, and then took off as soon as they were old enough to survive on their own. After that, they ran into the Raiders and once they passed the trials, they worked their way up the ranks and killed the older leader.
Other Looks
- His character model resembles Izar from Across the Void.
- His crimes include assault, extortion, and attempted murder.
- While he doesn't like talking about it, Boots most likely earned his name by killing the Soldier Zombie with his boots.