Bishop, a character in the Bloodbound series, is the leader of The Unchained, a group of anarchist vampires who want to abolish the council and revel in the chaos created by Gaius and his followers. He makes his first official appearance in Book 3, Chapter 1.
While Bishop's face is hidden behind a skull mask, he has light skin, black hair with a manbun, and a long beard. He wears black leather clothes with spikes that serve as armor.
According to Jax Matsuo, Bishop was already a brutal sadistic killer when human. He was Turned without permission by one of the Baron's men. His killer instincts increased tenfold after the transformation.
He also seems to be psychotic, cruel and power-hungry, as he wants to abolish the council and kill its members, so that he can take power in the chaos of New York.
Book 3
- Chapter 1: The Hunger
- Chapter 2: The Unchained
- Chapter 3: The Mission
- Chapter 4: The Return
- Chapter 5: The First (Mentioned)
The Council
He despises the Council and makes no secret of it when Adrian and Kamilah arrange a meeting with all the vampires to restore order in New York. He believes only in chaos and introduces himself as the leader of The Unchained. He then proceeds to attempt to murder the group with the help of a few other rogue vampires.
Jax Matsuo
Jax, as the Leader of the Clanless, granted him asylum at the Shadow Den under the condition he follows the rules and keeps himself discreet. Unfortunately, Bishop refused to follow the rules Jax set out for him and ultimately killed a few humans that had come to be fed off of. Jax knew he had to "kick him out" but he couldn't just ask him politely to leave as he was a menace, so he decided to kill him to prevent him from doing any harm to the Clanless members or innocent people he was protecting. However, Bishop overpowered him and fled. Jax thought he left town until he showed up in New York.
Your Character
You first confront Bishop if you take the premium scene in Chapter 4. He overpowers you because of your new powers as a vampire, but you manage to fight sucessfuly against other members of The Unchained, until they drag Bishop away after getting hurt. You manage to turn the tables on him in Chapter 4, shortly before Adrian rips his jaw. In the end of the Chapter he shows up at Adrian's HQ and tries to kill you, but Rheya appears and crushes his heart.
He is a member of The Unchained. When Your Character gets into his mind, you can see Bishop offering him to join The Unchained, with the promise of no rules nor masters. Prior to that, he used to be one of Priya's houseboys.
Powers and Abilities
- Immortality: In Book 1, Chapter 2, Adrian confirms that he does not age. Thus we can assume the same can be said for Bishop.
- Super-Strength: In Book 1, Chapter 2, Adrian confirms that he is strong enough to lift a car. Thus we can assume the same can be said for Bishop.
- Healing Factor:: Accelerated healing is an ability that vampires possess that allows them to heal from physical injuries at supernatural speeds. If a vampire uses their blood such as when Adrian was done feeding on Nicole, they can heal the bite mark as well. Thus we can assume the same can be said for Bishop.
- Heightened Senses: In Book 1, Chapter 6, Lily mentions how she can feel the slightest air currents, how she can even see the tiniest pores in Your Character's skin and can hear the water running through the pipes three stories up. Thus we can assume the same can be said for Bishop.
- Sunlight: Sunlight is one of vampires' weaknesses. As Adrian stated, sunlight does hurt him and can prove fatal after more than thirty minutes of exposure. It's akin to hypersensitivity; overexposure causes, as Adrian describes it, an accelerated heat stroke. This same weakness can be assumed for Bishop.
- Decapitation: Dismembering or manually removing the head of a vampire will result in instant and permanent death.
- Heart Extraction: Removing and subsequently destroying the heart of a vampire will also result in permanent death.
- Unquenched Bloodlust: When Adrian first became a vampire, he felt the powerful thirst for blood which no amount of water can relieve. In the brief period where he resisted the urge, Adrian experienced severe discomfort whereby he eventually gave in to his instincts. It is unknown yet how long a vampire can remain thirsty or what the extent of pain is when this need is unmet. In Chapter 4, Jax stated that child vampires are tricky. They don't have self-control to feed on humans without draining them.
- A Feral's Bite: A bite from a feral vampire is infectious to regular vampires because it can turn them feral too.
- His crimes include murder and terrorism.