Bernard Sayre, a character in the Wolf Bride book, is the main antagonist. He is a citizen in West Virginia and owner of Sayre Energy and Power. Although he is mentioned in Chapter 1, he makes his first appearance in Chapter 3.
Bernard has gray eyes, short gray hair, and fair to tan skin. He wears a white dress shirt under a black blazer, a red and white polka dot tie with tie clip, and white handkerchief.
According to Layla, Bernard is the type of person to suck the whole town dry and destroy the environment to line his own pockets. You find him to be shrewd and calculating. He's a cruel, violent, and heartless man who uses people - including his own adopted daughter - and doesn't care about anyone but himself. Werewolf Hunter states he doesn't do anything if there's no profit in it. He's also very power-hungry, and he has no issue with torturing and killing people and werewolves, as long as he achieves his goals.
Over a century ago, Bernard struck a deal with the Pack and the two lived in harmony in Hunt's Peak. The deal allowed Bernard to mine coal from beneath the earth, as long as he didn't touch any of the lands that were under the Pack's protection. However, once the old mines ran dry, Bernard broke the deal and expanded his business in the Pack's lands, which led to the conflict that still exists to this day. Around the same time, Bernard also started abducting werewolves, testing on them, and then draining their magic in order to extend his own life force. Fast forward to present time, Bernard's current plans include mining the source of the Primal magic in order to use it as an energy source and sell it to become rich.
Wolf Bride
Wolf Bride
- Chapter 1: Hunt's Peak (Mentioned)
- Chapter 2: The Bonding (Mentioned)
- Chapter 3: Transformation
- Chapter 8: Foundling
- Chapter 9: Powder Keg
- Chapter 10: Primal Magic
- Chapter 11: Revelations
- Chapter 12: The Tipping Point
- Chapter 13: A True Wolf (Mentioned)
- Chapter 14: The Choice (Mentioned)
- Chapter 15: The True Enemy
- Chapter 16: Purified
Alpha Werewolf
Because Alpha Werewolf defends the untouched earth, he is automatically an adversary for Bernard. Alpha believes Sayre wants to strip the earth of its resources, such as the company had with its coal mine, and says that it's his responsibility to make sure that doesn't happen.
Werewolf Hunter
Werewolf Hunter works for Sayre Energy and Power as a researcher. Shortly after her birth, he found her abandoned in the woods and decided to take her in and raise her as his own. In the beginning, she dismisses his attitude towards her as if he were just a strict father figure, believing that he wants to cure the werewolves of their "curse" and doesn't like her associating with eco-terrorists. However, when you, she, and Alpha discover the extent of his research and how he drew Primal energy from captured werewolves to extend his life, her feelings turn to anger and hatred. She realizes that he did not love her and used her as an energy source, stealing her energy and by extension, preventing her from being able to shift into a werewolf while under his "care". With this newfound truth, she is able to harness her energy and shift for the first time into a werewolf in Chapter 15.
Your Character
You first see Sayre when you are out with Layla shopping in town. Later, you are officially introduced to him when his daughter Werewolf Hunter brings you to his offices after the full moon riot. Regardless of whether you give him information about the Pack, he treats you badly, and you deduce that he's not a good person. When you meet again there's still animosity between you, and after you and Werewolf Hunter officially join the Pack, he orders his men to kill you all. When you're captured in Chapter 15, you have the option to play along and pretend that you share his vision. You finally defeat him in Chapter 16, and you have the option to kill him yourself, or let Werewolf Hunter or Alpha Werewolf do it.
Powers and Abilities
- Semi-Immortality: In Chapters 15 and 16, it is revealed that he has not aged in several generations. The story of his "great-grandfather" having an understanding with the Pack in the early 1900s was partially-false, as it was Bernard himself that brokered the deal. In Chapter 15, you notice that he looks both healthier and younger than the last time you saw him, indicating that he does age but reverses the aging.
- Enhanced Strength: He claims to have the strength of a dozen werewolves.
- Enhanced Speed
- Regenerative Healing Factor: Due to his frequent exposure to Primal Magic, his body regenerates at a high rate and injuries heal supernaturally fast.
- Silver: Because he gains his powers by draining Primal Energy off captured werewolves, he also has the same vulnerability. Silver can hurt or kill him.
Other Looks
- In Chapter 9, you discover that he is Werewolf Hunter's adoptive father and the leader of the Knights of Ossory based in Hunt's Peak. It is possible that the Knights of Ossory are an international organization or have several cells similar to The Order of the Dawn.
- In Chapter 15, he reveals he drains the primal powers of werewolves to extend his life.
- If you decide to play along with him in the same chapter, he will reveal he has been alive for 163 years. You also discover that he is vulnerable to silver.
- According to Zane, SEP started in Hunt's Peak in the early 1900s.
- His crimes include torture, kidnapping, illegal experimentation and murder.