Bad Boy, a character in the My Two First Loves book, is a student at Eastridge High and one of your love interests. His default name is "Noah" but the player can pick a name for him. He is first seen in Chapter 3.
Bad Boy's look is determined by the player. Regardless of this choice, he wears a black leather jacket, a white t-shirt and gray jeans. He has a small circular scar on his side.
Bad Boy is generally quiet and keeps to himself. He says that everyone -his mom, the principal, the whole school- expects trouble from him, so he doesn't worry about disappointing anyone. If the standard is set so low and little things are blown out of proportion, there's not much use in trying to fight expectation. Although smart, he is not always a good student. However, he tries to keep his grades up, as he needs to pass his classes to stay on the football team, which he considers to be his best chance of going to college.
My Two First Loves
My Two First Loves
- Chapter 3: The Dangerous One
- Chapter 4: The Cheer Squad
- Chapter 5: Favors and Fights
- Chapter 6: Hurt/Comfort
- Chapter 7: Red-Handed
- Chapter 8: The Knives Are Out
- Chapter 9: Trouble in Paradise (Mentioned)
- Chapter 10: Perfect (Offscreen)
- Chapter 11: Good Girl, Bad Boy
- Chapter 12: The Cover Story
- Chapter 14: Just Missed It
- Chapter 15: Hidden Depths
- Chapter 16: Out On A Limb (Offscreen)
- Chapter 17: The Slip
- Chapter 18: Kiss Goodbye
- Chapter 19: Double or Nothing
- Chapter 20: Change of Pace
- Chapter 21: Empty Handed
- Chapter 22: Trust Fall
- Chapter 23: Aftermath
- Chapter 24: The Crown Jewel
- Chapter 26: Behind Bars (Mentioned; Physical Appearance Determinant)
- Chapter 28: The Harris Boy
- Chapter 29: Study Session
- Chapter 30: Consequences
- Chapter 31: Best Laid Plans (Mentioned)
- Chapter 32: Out of the Past (Mentioned)
- Chapter 33: Come Together, Fall Apart
- Chapter 34: The Choice
- Chapter 35: Bring On the Night
- Chapter 36: The Other Boy
- Chapter 37: All of the Stars (Mentioned; Physical Appearance Determinant)
- Chapter 38: Decisions, Decisions
- Chapter 39: Everything's Changed
- Chapter 40: A New Perspective
- Chapter 41: The Half of It (Mentioned; Physical Appearance Determinant)
- Chapter 42: Budding Talent
- Chapter 43: Losing Control
- Chapter 44: The Whole Truth
- Chapter 45: The Dinner Guest
- Chapter 46: New Tricks
- Chapter 47: Overexposed
- Chapter 48: The Person He Trusts Most
- Chapter 49: Up in the Air (Mentioned)
- Chapter 52: Branching Out
- Chapter 53: Miss Movin' On
- Chapter 54: Truth, Dare, or Consequences
- Chapter 55: Friends in Low Places
- Chapter 56: Inside Man
- Chapter 58: Building Bridges
- Chapter 59: Square One
- Chapter 60: Slippery Slopes (Physical Appearance Determinant)
- Chapter 62: Cold Blooded
- Chapter 63: Blank Check
- Chapter 64: I'll Be Home for Christmas
- Chapter 65: Full House
- Chapter 66: Be My Guest
- Chapter 67: Crowded Heart
- Chapter 68: Steamed Up
- Chapter 69: Naughty and Nice
- Chapter 70: All Downhill From Here
- Chapter 71: What's Done In the Dark...
- Chapter 72: ...Comes to the Light
- Chapter 73: Off the Beaten Path
- Chapter 74: Staying Alive (Determinant)
- Chapter 75: Santa Baby
- Chapter 76: Good Tidings We Bring
- Chapter 77: Old Acquaintance Be Forgot
- Chapter 78: Gut Check
- Chapter 79: All That Glitters (Offscreen)
- Chapter 80: Enemy of My Enemy
- Chapter 81: Girls' Night (Offscreen)
- Chapter 82: Nothing but the Truth
- Chapter 83: Whatever It Takes
- Chapter 84: Unlikely Allies
- Chapter 85: Out of the Pan, Into the Fire
- Chapter 86: Blood, Sweat, and Tears
- Chapter 87: The A Team
- Chapter 88: Whatever You Need
- Chapter 89: State's Witness
- Chapter 90: Proving the Exception
- Chapter 91: The Defense Rests
- Chapter 92: Pleased to Inform You
- Chapter 93: Ex Scientia Tridens
- Chapter 94: Dancing On Her Own (Mentioned)
- Chapter 95: The Heart Decides (Mentioned; Physical Appearance Determinant)
- Chapter 96: Bittersweet (Offscreen Determinant; Physical Appearance Determinant)
- Chapter 97: One Last Night (Mentioned)
- Chapter 98: Our Carriage Awaits
- Chapter 99: Prom Night
- Chapter 100: Back to the Future
Main Character
He saves Main Character from a drug dealer in Chapter 3. In Chapter 8, they are both sent to the principal's office for leaving campus for lunch. After they are dismissed, he asks her out.
In Chapter 11, she decides to go out with him and he takes her to a club. When her dad texts and interrupts their date, he rushes her back and home and comes up with a plausible excuse to why he is at their house. He tells her father that she is his history tutor. In Chapter 15, he admits to needing a tutor so Main Character begins to tutor him after she returns from dinner with the Jennings. She is surprised to discover that he's a great student and has a sharp mind. He invites her to go out for coffee to refuel and if she decides to take him up on it, he talks more about his family. He is aware that he needs to have good grades to keep his spot on the football team and possibly get a football scholarship into college. Although if that were to happen, he is not sure if he will take it because he doesn't want to leave his mom and younger sister and wants to help support them.
In Chapter 18, Main Character has the premium opportunity to hang out with him after the accidental kiss between her and Childhood Crush. If she decides to, he opens up about his family. He used to be closer to his older brother, but the latter left home a few years ago and he hasn't seen him in a while. In Chapter 21, he made first string on the football team and she has the premium opportunity to sneak into the boys' locker room to congratulate him. If she does, he'll say that he was into bad stuff when he was younger but won't elaborate. They will kiss again and she'll leave through the back door when she hears the rest of the football team approaching.
In Chapter 22, when Main Character falls off the human pyramid, he tends to her injured arm. In Chapter 23, Childhood Crush tells her that Bad Boy waited with him in the nurse's office, but he had to leave to go to his part-time job.
It is up to Main Character if Bad Boy or Childhood Crush becomes the quarterback for the match but either way, both impress the audience during the game.
Main Character also chooses whether he or Childhood Crush becomes her Homecoming date. If she chooses Childhood Crush, Bad Boy will interrupt their dance at the end of Chapter 35, which emotionally confuses her. Even if she tells Bad Boy in Chapter 36 that she wants to dance with her actual date, when Childhood Crush leaves them alone, Bad Boy will get physically close to her and tell her that he won't give up fighting for her. When Childhood Crush asks Main Character instead of Lauren to dance with him when he is crowned Homecoming king, Bad Boy will interrupt and start a fight.
In Chapter 95, Main Character decides once and for all who she wants to be with. If she doesn't choose Bad Boy, she goes to see him in Chapter 96. He tells her that she was someone that he didn't have to pretend for, who knew the good, the bad, and the ugly sides of him and didn't treat him terribly for it. She saw him for him. She has the opportunity to have closure with him.
Childhood Crush
In Chapter 4, it's revealed that there are rumors that the reason why Bad Boy went to juvie is that he robbed Childhood Crush's house. Childhood Crush is mad when he sees Bad Boy again, especially since they are both on the same team, and both want to be the QB. They later work together during a match and both impress the audience.
In Chapter 36, regardless of who is Main Character's Homecoming date, a fight between them will erupt which leads to an intervention by the principal. Principal Jennings assigns them to work on the winter wonderland as punishment, and after a few days, Childhood Crush comes to Bad Boy to talk about the robbery and get everything out in the open.
During freshman year while Main Character was preoccupied and distant due to her mother's death, Childhood Crush and Bad Boy became best friends. They bonded at junior varsity football try-outs and later spent a lot of time together. Childhood Crush trusted him, and gave him the security code to his house for Bad Boy to use whenever Childhood Crush and his family were out of town. Elijah persuaded Bad Boy to break in and steal the cash they keep in Principal Jennings's office as a way to help their mother. However, Principal Jennings caught him and shot him.
Principal Jennings
In Chapter 8, when both Main Character and Bad Boy are summoned to the principal's office, Main Character overhears parts of their conversation where Principal Jennings mentions a deal between them.
Bad Boy mentions both his mother and father in Chapter 8. His father gave him the knife that is confiscated by Mrs. Applegate. According to Bad Boy, his mother just like the principal expects trouble from him. Later, he reveals that his father wasn't in the picture as long as he can remember.
His mother used to work as a barista and had three jobs to buy her children new clothes. Bad Boy says that he used to come help her at work sometimes, which taught him how to pull an espresso shot and how to appreciate good coffee.
As for his father, Bad Boy felt like everything he did was wrong in his father's eyes, no matter how hard he tried. He felt intimidated by the older man, and he felt that he was never understood.
Character Customization
Other Looks
- Face 3 of Bad Boy resembles American actor Tanner Buchanan.
- A version of him is shown on the cover of My Two First Loves.
- If the default name is kept, he will share the same first name as Noah Marshall from It Lives In The Woods.
- His family and he share the same surname as the default surname of Beautiful Contestant from the America's Most Eligible series as well as her sister.
- He has been in Juvenal Detention Center since freshman year. Rumors have it that:
- He was caught robbing Childhood Crush's house.
- He got shot.
- He got sent to solitary confinement for ripping a guy's nose ring out of his face and then won a fight against four guards with a toilet seat. Then he stole a piece of metal from the machine shop and used it to carve an escape tunnel hidden behind a poster (which is the plot to The Shawshank Redemption).
- The default name Noah is of Hebrew origin and means "rest" or "peace".
- He is a playable character in a premium scene of Chapter 28 and the whole of Chapters 40, 44, 64, 80 and 84, and part of Chapter 82.
- For the child's character models, Face 1 and Face 2 resembles different version of young Nik Ryder from Nightbound respectively, and the Face 3 resembles young Drake Walker from The Royal Romance and The Royal Heir series.
- His winter suit is an altered version of the 'All In' outfit of male MC from Open Heart.
- His age is revealed in a revised Chapter 55.
- In Chapter 95, if you choose Bad Boy as your end-game love interest and extend the promposal with him, they will make a reference of With Every Heartbeat by watching a movie with the same name.