Choices: Stories You Play Wiki
Choices: Stories You Play Wiki

The measure of a decent king/queen is the happiness of his/her people. It's a heavy responsibility, but one I gladly accept for their sakes.
— Arthur/Artura to You[1]

Arthur/Artura, a character in the Guinevere book, is the ruler of Camelot and one of your love interests. He/She first appeared in Chapter 1.


Arthur/Artura's appearance is determined by the player.


All the stories say that Arthur/Artura is kind, noble, and the most generous ruler Camelot has ever known. Arthur/Artura is polite and sweet to you and tries his/her best to make you feel at home at Camelot. According to Lancelot, Arthur/Artura's compassion and kindness makes him/her the King/Queen the people need. He/She is also very devoted and protective of you and his/her people, and believes that duty comes first. If you have Lancelot escort you to your bedroom in Chapter 4, Lancelot says that Arthur/Artura puts much weight in prophecy. If you choose Arthur/Artura on the other hand, he/she tells you that he/she came to accept that certain things are inevitable. He/She also mentions a few times that he/she would not condemn someone based on coincidences or rumors.





  • Chapter 1: The Woman Who Would Be Queen
  • Chapter 2: The Crown and the Sword
  • Chapter 3: A Snake in the Walls
  • Chapter 4: Tangled Threads
  • Chapter 5: By Sword and Lance
  • Chapter 6: Festival of the Round
  • Chapter 7: The Hunt
  • Chapter 8: An Elusive Truth
  • Chapter 9: A Knight's Oath
  • Chapter 10: The Joyous Gard
  • Chapter 11: Things Yet to Come
  • Chapter 12: Lady in Waiting
  • Chapter 13: Bound
  • Chapter 14: Camelot's Fall
  • Chapter 15: A Kingdom Asunder
  • Chapter 16: Threads of Fate
  • Chapter 17: Bonds of Union


Lancelot du Lac

The end of Chapter 1 reveals that Lancelot swore to protect him/her and Camelot. Chapter 2 reveals that he/she is like a brother/sister to Lancelot.

Your Character

You are Arthur/Artura's betrothed. Regardless of what you feel for him/her, Arthur/Artura is always kind to you and wants to make you feel welcomed in Camelot. If you choose to, you may tell Arthur/Artura about your visions as early as Chapter 3; otherwise, you reveal your abilities in Chapter 4 and he/she does not think less of you or ill of you. With his/her experience with Merlin, Arthur/Artura believes you.


Kay and Arthur/Artura were raised together by Sir Ector, and when Arthur/Artura came to Camelot, he was the one who made sure the castle was liveable. A Chapter 2 premium flashback reveals that a younger Arthur/Artura acted as Kay's squire, and he/she discovered Excalibur while trying to find a sword for Kay after he forgot to take his to a tournament. Arthur/Artura can reveal other stories of his/her childhood with Kay, such as their games of hide-and-seek, when they used to sneak out together, and the time they modified a recipe created by Sir Ector.

Sir Ector

Several flashback scenes reveal that Merlin sent Arthur/Artura to Sir Ector when he/she was a baby.


Morgana is Arthur's/Artura's half sister through their mother. Many people believe that she is envious of his/her position as ruler of Camelot, while others claim that she is a witch, or that she simply doesn't care about court politics.


Agravaine is Arthur/Artura's cousin. If you chose Arthur/Artura to be your champion at the joust, he/she defeats Agravaine at the end of the joust. Lady Delilah mentions at the joust that Agravaine has no love for him/her or Lancelot. In Chapter 9, when masked assassins attack, Agravaine rides against them in name of King/Queen and Camelot.

Lady of the Lake

The Lady of the Lake gave Arthur/Artura the scabbard to his/her sword Excalibur.

Character Customization

GV Arthur-Artura Pendragon

Other Looks





  • A male version is shown on the cover of Guinevere.
  • Young Arthur Face 1 resembles a young version of King "Liam" Rys from The Royal Heir series and Face 2 resembles a young version of Nik Ryder from Nightbound. Young Artura Face 1 resembles a young version of Lena Rys from The Royal Finale.
  • The male version shares the same name as Arthur Woods from the Desire & Decorum series and Arthur Vance from It Lives Beneath.
  • Arthur/Artura Pendragon is one of the few Choices love interests based on historical or semi-historical figures, with the others being Lancelot du Lac, Gaius Cassius Longinus, and Marc Antony.
  • This version of the character has some differences from the various Arthurian legends, such as:
    • Some variations depict Arthur having a good relationship with Mordred until the younger man discovers he was conceived through Arthur's incestuous relationship with Morgana.
    • On top of having a sword named Excalibur, Arthur was also said to use a dagger named Carnwennan and a spear called Rhongomyniad.
    • While this version of the story shows Arthur pulling Excalibur from a stone, some variations depict the sword being given to him by the Lady of the Lake.
  • He/She is the first love interest to be betrothed to the main character at the start of the respective series.


"A ruler must always do what is right, not what is easy."


  1. Guinevere, Chapter 1