- — Arthur/Artura to You[1]
Arthur/Artura, a character in the Guinevere book, is the ruler of Camelot and one of your love interests. He/She first appeared in Chapter 1.
Arthur/Artura's appearance is determined by the player.
All the stories say that Arthur/Artura is kind, noble, and the most generous ruler Camelot has ever known. Arthur/Artura is polite and sweet to you and tries his/her best to make you feel at home at Camelot. According to Lancelot, Arthur/Artura's compassion and kindness makes him/her the King/Queen the people need. He/She is also very devoted and protective of you and his/her people, and believes that duty comes first. If you have Lancelot escort you to your bedroom in Chapter 4, Lancelot says that Arthur/Artura puts much weight in prophecy. If you choose Arthur/Artura on the other hand, he/she tells you that he/she came to accept that certain things are inevitable. He/She also mentions a few times that he/she would not condemn someone based on coincidences or rumors.
- Chapter 1: The Woman Who Would Be Queen
- Chapter 2: The Crown and the Sword
- Chapter 3: A Snake in the Walls
- Chapter 4: Tangled Threads
- Chapter 5: By Sword and Lance
- Chapter 6: Festival of the Round
- Chapter 7: The Hunt
- Chapter 8: An Elusive Truth
- Chapter 9: A Knight's Oath
- Chapter 10: The Joyous Gard
- Chapter 11: Things Yet to Come
- Chapter 12: Lady in Waiting
- Chapter 13: Bound
- Chapter 14: Camelot's Fall
- Chapter 15: A Kingdom Asunder
- Chapter 16: Threads of Fate
- Chapter 17: Bonds of Union
Lancelot du Lac
The end of Chapter 1 reveals that Lancelot swore to protect him/her and Camelot. Chapter 2 reveals that he/she is like a brother/sister to Lancelot.
Your Character
You are Arthur/Artura's betrothed. Regardless of what you feel for him/her, Arthur/Artura is always kind to you and wants to make you feel welcomed in Camelot. If you choose to, you may tell Arthur/Artura about your visions as early as Chapter 3; otherwise, you reveal your abilities in Chapter 4 and he/she does not think less of you or ill of you. With his/her experience with Merlin, Arthur/Artura believes you.
Kay and Arthur/Artura were raised together by Sir Ector, and when Arthur/Artura came to Camelot, he was the one who made sure the castle was liveable. A Chapter 2 premium flashback reveals that a younger Arthur/Artura acted as Kay's squire, and he/she discovered Excalibur while trying to find a sword for Kay after he forgot to take his to a tournament. Arthur/Artura can reveal other stories of his/her childhood with Kay, such as their games of hide-and-seek, when they used to sneak out together, and the time they modified a recipe created by Sir Ector.
Sir Ector
Several flashback scenes reveal that Merlin sent Arthur/Artura to Sir Ector when he/she was a baby.
Morgana is Arthur's/Artura's half sister through their mother. Many people believe that she is envious of his/her position as ruler of Camelot, while others claim that she is a witch, or that she simply doesn't care about court politics.
Agravaine is Arthur/Artura's cousin. If you chose Arthur/Artura to be your champion at the joust, he/she defeats Agravaine at the end of the joust. Lady Delilah mentions at the joust that Agravaine has no love for him/her or Lancelot. In Chapter 9, when masked assassins attack, Agravaine rides against them in name of King/Queen and Camelot.
Lady of the Lake
The Lady of the Lake gave Arthur/Artura the scabbard to his/her sword Excalibur.
Character Customization
Other Looks
- A male version is shown on the cover of Guinevere.
- Young Arthur Face 1 resembles a young version of King "Liam" Rys from The Royal Heir series and Face 2 resembles a young version of Nik Ryder from Nightbound. Young Artura Face 1 resembles a young version of Lena Rys from The Royal Finale.
- The male version shares the same name as Arthur Woods from the Desire & Decorum series and Arthur Vance from It Lives Beneath.
- Arthur/Artura Pendragon is one of the few Choices love interests based on historical or semi-historical figures, with the others being Lancelot du Lac, Gaius Cassius Longinus, and Marc Antony.
- This version of the character has some differences from the various Arthurian legends, such as:
- Some variations depict Arthur having a good relationship with Mordred until the younger man discovers he was conceived through Arthur's incestuous relationship with Morgana.
- On top of having a sword named Excalibur, Arthur was also said to use a dagger named Carnwennan and a spear called Rhongomyniad.
- While this version of the story shows Arthur pulling Excalibur from a stone, some variations depict the sword being given to him by the Lady of the Lake.
- He/She is the first love interest to be betrothed to the main character at the start of the respective series.
- "A ruler must always do what is right, not what is easy."
- —Arthur/Artura