April Morris, a character from the Murder at Homecoming book, is a student and Brett's sister. She makes her first official appearance in Chapter 7. She is later revealed to be Gabbie Navarro's killer.
April has long brown hair tied into a ponytail, blue eyes, and light skin. She wears a blue jacket.
She is considered to be a good and sweet girl, and people say that it's a miracle she didn't turn out like her brother Brett. However, in Chapter 15, she is revealed to be as bad as Brett, as she killed Gabbie to avenge his imprisonment. She seems to have no remorse for what she did, even saying she didn't pull Gabbie out of the pool simply because she didn't want to.
Murder at Homecoming[]
Murder at Homecoming[]
- Chapter 4: You've Changed (Mentioned; Physical Appearance Determinant)
- Chapter 5: Bad Boys (Mentioned; Determinant)
- Chapter 7: Party Crasher
- Chapter 9: Case Closed?
- Chapter 11: Run, Rabbit, Run
- Chapter 12: To Tug at Tangled Threads
- Chapter 13: Pick Your Poisoner (Off-Screen)
- Chapter 14: Dance with Death
- Chapter 15: Prey For Me
- Chapter 16: Surviving High School
Brett Morris[]
According to you, she's the good girl counterpart to her older brother Brett, who's a bad boy and a petty criminal. In Chapter 9 when Perdita and Jeremy are brought up, she says that her brother is a certified jackass, but she still can't imagine how she'd feel if he went missing. In Chapter 11 you overhear them arguing, and April accuses Brett of stealing a syringe from the mini-fridge that she keeps her medication in. In Chapter 15, it's shown that her crimes were motivated by a desire to "avenge" Brett after Gabbie and Claudia "wronged" him. You notice that she uses the same words Brett used when talking about Gabbie and Claudia which makes you ask her outright if Brett manipulated her into hating the two and getting revenge for him in his stead. Their relationship is complicated because April herself doesn't really like him since their parents kept fixing the messes he made with money that they didn't pay much attention to her, assuming she didn't need it.
Tyler Woods[]
If you choose to investigate the computer servers with Toby and Millie, you come across a picture of April convulsing due to epilepsy, and you discover that Gabbie deleted those photos to save Tyler from being expelled. When you confront Tyler about them, he says that the track team put him up to it as a prank, and that the camera flash and the clown costume ended up giving April a seizure and she was rushed to the hospital. When April tried to explain what happened however, no one took her seriously because Gabbie had destroyed all the evidence, and manipulated enough people with power into saying that they couldn't prove that Tyler was behind it. During the Harvest Festival, April suddenly asks him for a race which surprises him. He asks you for advice if he should let her win or not. If he lets her win, she will notice it but react happily.
Claudia Rhodes[]
She and Claudia used to be good friends and like sisters, until Claudia broke up with Brett. Claudia believes that the reason she is so weird around her now, is because Brett told April not to speak to her again. In Chapter 15, she abducts Claudia and attempts to kill her. When Claudia and Brett were dating, the former had told April that they were like family. By breaking up with Brett, April felt abandoned to his abuse.
Your Character[]
When Brielle accuses you and your sister of being nosy and for messing with other people's lives, April shows up and defends you. In Chapter 15, after you discover she's Gabbie's killer, she tries to kill you too.
Due to Gabbie sending her brother to juvie and essentially "ruining" her life, April developed a strong hatred for her to the point that April wanted to get back at her by humiliating her but didn't intend to kill her. April made sure that Gabbie would win Homecoming Queen by messing with the votes. She knew you would fully concentrate on sorting out fake names that you wouldn't notice some extra Gabbie votes. She then left Gabbie a note with a razor blade to lure her to the pool. When Gabbie fell into the water, unable to save herself because of the drugs April injected her, April watched her drown, feeling relieved of a burden. It is unknown if April was aware that Gabbie had also tampered with Tyler's trial in which April was the victim but made an unreliable source by Gabbie's actions (see section with Tyler).
Other Looks[]
- Her character model resembles Amber Hutchinson from the High School Story: Class Act series.
- In Chapter 13, it is revealed that she is among the ones who exited the gym around the time of Gabbie's death, with the others being Claudia, Kevin, and Mrs. Jones. Same scene told that other unnamed characters also exited the gym around that time.
- Her crimes include murder, attempted murder, abduction, and infliction of bodily harm.
- She shares the same name as the default forename of MC from Make That Date!.
- In Chapter 4, she is first introduced in a premium scene as "a freshman or sophomore maybe?", making her actual grade unknown. However, after Tyler reveals the whole story behind his trial, it can be deducted that she is a sophomore during the events of the book: the failed prank on her was part of her freshman initiation that happened "last spring", so in the previous school year.