Choices: Stories You Play Wiki
Choices: Stories You Play Wiki

Amy, a character in The Elementalists series, is an upperclassman at Penderghast College of Elemental Magicks. She is first seen in Book 1, Chapter 6.


Her face resembles Izzy. She has gray eyes and brown hair in a bun. She wears an olive green v-neck t-shirt.


She is shown to be helpful, especially when it comes to Your Character. She is also quite brave as she was willing to risk her life fighting a shadow monster alongside you. In Book 2, Chapter 8, it's revealed that she is Griffin's biggest rival for the Natural Scienes Award. She says to Duchess Dorothea Halverne that she believes in long-term environmentally friendly solutions regarding natural disasters. According to her, simply reacting to catastrophes just isn't enough. She also does a lot of volunteer work in disaster relief.


The Elementalists

Book 1

  • Chapter 6: Ill Omens
  • Chapter 8: Night Magick
  • Chapter 10: Smoke and Mirrors
  • Chapter 11: Double Double (Determinant)
  • Chapter 15: End Game
  • Chapter 19: Daybreak

Book 2

  • Chapter 4: Danger and Discovery
  • Chapter 7: Murky Waters (Determinant)
  • Chapter 8: Shaky Ground
  • Chapter 12: Ultimatum
  • Chapter 17: Ray of Light


Your Character

In Book 1, Chapter 6, during the Thief tryouts, she is one of the first players to lose her flag. If you fail to sneak up on her to steal her flag, she runs away from you screaming, "IT'S THE ZOMBIE FROM DOUBLE UNDEAD ZOMBIE'S WRATH!" If you decide to follow Zeph after the tryouts, she is in the cafeteria and helps you cheer him on for eating all the dragon links by giving you an, "E!".

In Book 1, Chapter 8, she apologizes for her friend's behavior and offers to teach you the Solar Flare Spell at the Winter Solstice rave. She makes another appearance in Book 1, Chapter 10, seeking career advice from Professor Swan and comes to your rescue when you try to exit the Mirror Dimension. The two of you manage to put up a good fight against the Shade that tries to pull you back in but she faints after fighting rather bravely. In Book 1, Chapter 15, she cheers for you at the Thief Championship party and later tells you that she knew you were cool ever since she had this dream about you fighting a super evil shadow arm. You in turn don't refute her "dream". In Book 1, Chapter 19, after you and the Pend Pals save the school, she asks for your autograph.


In Book 1, Chapter 11, if Your Character fails to hide Atlas, Atlas will knock her unconscious in the Hall.



  • On January 18, 2019, writer Chelsa confirmed via Twitter that this previously unnamed female student that has a similar character model to Izzy actually has a name and this was revealed to be Amy Stevenson.[1]
  • She shares the same name as Amy from LoveHacks, Book 1, the default name of MC from Bloodbound, the birth name of Emerald Phan from the High School Story: Class Act series and Amy Lancaster from With Every Heartbeat.
  • The name Amy is of French origin and means "beloved" or "dearly loved". It's the English version of the French name Aimee.
  • In Book 2, she competes with Griffin for the Fortuna Revelry Scholarship for Disaster Relief. In Chapter 17, she wins the scholarship if Griffin doesn't.

