Allen/Alana, a character in the Terror Fest book, was your former high school crush. He/She was first seen in Chapter 1.
Terror Fest
Terror Fest
- Chapter 1: B----, Don't Kill My Vibe
- Chapter 2: At Death's Door (Off-Screen)
- Chapter 3: Assassination of Character (Mentioned)
- Chapter 4: Kill Your Darlings (Mentioned)
- Chapter 5: Mayday Parade (Mentioned)
- Chapter 7: A Brush With Death
- Chapter 8: Reliving the Gory Days (Mentioned)
- Chapter 9: Little House of Horrors (Mentioned)
- Chapter 10: To Catch a Killer (Mentioned)
- Chapter 12: Dial M For Murder (Mentioned)
- Chapter 13: 1313 Dead End Drive (Mentioned; Determinant)
- Chapter 15: Kill or Be Killed (Mentioned; Determinant)
- Chapter 16: Welcome to Terror Fest (Mentioned)
- Chapter 16: Welcome to Terror Fest (Mentioned; Physical Appearance Determinant)
Your Character
Allen/Alana was your former high school crush. The two of you had plans to spend the night together after prom, but you backed out at the last minute and had not seen him/her again until returning home after a year studying abroad.
Character Customization
Other Looks
- Allen's hairstyle is a recolored version of the style used by Clint from High School Story: Class Act, while Alana's hairstyle is a recolored version of the style used by Poppy Min-Sinclair from Queen B.
- Alana shares the same first name as Alana Kusuma from Perfect Match.
- Allen/Alana stated that he/she was interested in you since freshman year, indicating that the two of you were freshman at the same time. Since you're 21 years old, Allen/Alana was probably about the same age.