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Choices: Stories You Play Wiki
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Adelia, a character from the Distant Shores book, is a performer with Hancock and Hart's circus and a potential crew member for the Revenge. She is first seen in Chapter 6.


Ada has brown curly hair tied into two buns above her head, brown eyes, and tan skin. She wears a red leotard with black beading and gold fringe, red transparent sleeves with black beading and black fishnet tights. She also wears a multi-strand pearl choker and necklace.




Distant Shores

Distant Shores

  • Chapter 6: Without a Net
  • Chapter 7: Stranger Tides (Determinant)
  • Chapter 8: Enemy Mine (Determinant)
  • Chapter 9: Battle Lines (Determinant)
  • Chapter 11: Wreckage (Mentioned; Physical Appearance Determinant)
  • Chapter 12: Enemy of My Enemy (Determinant)
  • Chapter 13: Friendly Fire (Determinant)
  • Chapter 14: Dance of Death (Determinant)
  • Chapter 15: Race Against Time (Determinant)
  • Chapter 16: The End is the Beginning (Determinant)



Adelia is Axton's twin sister. They have never been apart, not since the eight minutes between their births; and they seem to know what the other is thinking without speaking. They were a part of Hancock and Hart's circus on its way to the Americas, but decided to rob Pierre Dupre's home because of his callous behavior towards the townspeople. Adelia is captured during their escape. If you decide to go back with Axton to rescue her, both twins will join The Revenge. If you do not, Adelia is jailed but tells Axton to join your crew and she will find him when she can.

Your Character

You, Edward, and Charlie meet her and her brother during their circus performance. If you decide to, you and Edward or Charlie can volunteer for their trapeze act. Later in their dressing areas, you three approach them to join the crew but they tell you that first they want to rob Pierre Dupre. You agree to join them and they offer you a thief outfit to use. After the five of you break into his home and steal items, Pierre returns and his men chase you. They capture Adelia. Axton wants to rescue her and you have the choice to help or not.


Other looks



  • Adelia is an English and Spanish name and means "noble".[1]

Memorable Quotes

Adelia: I suppose our only option left is to steal.
Axton: You can at least try to look contrite about it, Ada.
Adelia: You know I'm not one for putting on airs.

